7. We Were To Be One Soul

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A week had gone after Ella's engagement and everyone was with his second half.

Ella went out a lot with Niki 'cause that time her brother wouldn't reject. Niki tried to do his best to make her happy. He didn't need to do all of that already when she beside him she was flying from happiness.

Hazel's chats increased with Ian. And his visits increased to Mark too. They had to see each other when he go there 'cause Hazel couldn't go out home a lot except for the courses and the time of the English and French courses were different so they didn't meet there.

For Chloe.. She was in her best conditions. Edward did everything made her happy. He tried to show her that she wasn't true when she loved Jhonny. He was her angel. She didn't think that she could love him in that way.
After the French course Edward wanted to see Chloe but they didn't choose the place. Her phone battery was dying, so she send him a message "I'll call you from Ella's phone.. my battery is in the way to die.. Love you".

The course finished and she took Ella's phone to call him and they met. He was having a gift for her. It was a bag full of chocolates, he knew that she loved chocolate.

Ella have to tell Niki that Lo took her phone to call Edward and that time he had her number. Niki was angry that Ella had done that, she tried to clarify for him that misunderstanding, but he was so jealous on her. It ended up that she was gonna change her number and he accepted her apology.
The concert of the academy was cancelled for unknown reasons, already Tia wouldn't be able to sing 'cause her grandfather dies from a short while.
Edward was having a special date with Chloe. He told her that he was coming to take her. "Wear the most beautiful dress you have, Lo. Coming to take you at 9" He said. She was feeling that there was something strange in that date.

Chloe was having a simple red dress, she was keeping it for a special day like that. She was feeling that he was doing something special for her that night. She wore her dress, made her hair in the style he loved it and put a simple make up. He call her to go down.

-Baby. I'm down.. Did you finish?

=Yes honey, I'm coming.

She wore her high heels, the hight difference between them was great, but they both loved that difference. She took her flat shoes with her if her feet hurt her. She wanted to change that difference that time.

-My princess.. What are these heels? Since when you wear them..

=I wanted to change that hight difference between us honey. You didn't like them? If you wanna me change them it's okay.

-You look gorgeous in anything, Lo. I knew that you love the red roses, so I get a bunch of them for you.

Since she was young and she wanted the guy that she would love to get for her a bunch of red roses. He knew everything about her when they were playing truth or dare before.

He opened the front door to sit. All the way he was holding her hand, he played the songs that she loved. He took her to the sea. He knew that she never loved something as much as she loved the sea at night. He was decorating a place like the hut for her there with the baby lights and the red roses. She was surprised that he had done all of that for her, she couldn't imagine that there was a guy like him.

-What do you think, Lo?

=Oh my God, Edward you have done all of that for me.

-Yes, and alone. I have known everything about you from truth or dare when we played it during the friendship.

=I love you, Edward. You're the best thing happen to me.

-I love you to, Chloe. You're my everything to me. I promise never to leave you.

He gave her a forehead kiss. And took her to that decorated hut. He was preparing the dinner for her. He was perfect at cooking 'cause he sat alone at his home. He told his mother that he wanted to be a responsible person so he took a small house to stay in for a while.

-I have prepared this dinner for you.

=Oh God, Edward. Why did you do all of that?

-Cause you're my princess.. And this is your night.

=Sit down my lady.

-Thak you sir.

They laughed from this formal way of talking. He tried to make her happy by all the ways. She took off the cover that was on her dinner. And it was the surprise that he told her about it.
"WILL YOU MARRY ME CHLOE" that was written on the food. He was waiting for her reply.

-Edward you're kidding!!

He sat on one knee in front of her and opened the box of the wedding ring.

=Will you accept my purpose to be my wife for the rest of your life?

-I accept you as a husband for the rest of my life, Edward.

He lifted her from her seat and hugged her. He put the ring in her hand. They danced on the slow music, played on the sea and ran after each other. He told her that he would achieve her wish; he told her that they would watch the sunrise together.

She completed all the night sleeping on his chest. She didn't think that he could do all of that for her.. all the night she was looking to him and to the sea asking herself "How there is a man like you these days?".

The sun rose and he took her to home after that. All what was in her head is Edward and how he tried to make her happy to this level. She changed her clothes. And went to sleep. She send a message to Ella and Hazel that she wouldn't be able to come to the course the next day, and she had to see them after the course at their café. She looked at the ring in her hand and fell a sleep directly.

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