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My bestfriend, (friend name) and I are going to go to the zoo today. She says there is a new zoo and she needs to go. I was just like, eh.

I get into my car and drive over to her house. She's sitting on her porch waiting, i honk and she quickly stands up and runs towards my car.

"Took you long enough!" She says.

"Blah blah just get in please" I say.

She gets in and buckles up. I zoom off towards the new zoo.

"I heard there are wolves, deer, flamingos, and owls." She says.

"Yes! All of my favorite animals!" I cheered.

We pull into the zoo parking lot. We found a space in the way back because it was packed.

We both get out and walk towards the entrance. There was a long line. But the line got shorter after a short amount of time.

We paid for our tickets and we walked around for a while looking at different animals.

"Pigs to the ....... right" (f/n) said.

I walk over to the pig exhibit. I see a brown haired man with glasses feeding them.

"Wolves are next!" (F/n) said.

I run over to the next exhibit and see two gray wolves fighting. I mean really fighting. Blood was seen all over the place.

"This is wrong. They should be friends. Why would they put enemy's into the same cage." I say.

I then see a man in a hockey mask and a blue jacket pull the wolves apart and give them a shot.

We then walked around for a while. We pet goats, picked up baby chicks, seen penguin's swimming, played with raccoons , and even got to ride horses. So it was pretty cool.

"Hey what's next?" I ask.

But there was no response. I turn around and see (f/n) flirting with a guy. Like always.

I just walked away from her. Next exhibit was owls, my favorite animal.

I walked over to it but didn't see any animals in the cage. I see a tall, muscular man with black hair was calling out to the owl.

I then heard hoo's. I look on top of the cage and see the owl. Its feathers were poofed out and had red eyes.

"Sir. I found the owl." I say.

He looks over at me and looks above him.

"Don't move. He doesn't like fast things" a deep voice says.

I nodded.

The man walked over to the cage exit. It made a loud beep and it startled the owl. The owl flew over to me and I fell backwards.

I felt the owl scratch my arm and face. It was now ripping my clothes. I'm trying to take the owl off but it's claws keep on scratching me.

The man walks over to me and puts a shot in the owl. The owl falls on me and I push it off of me.

The man helps me to my feet.

I feel blood run down my cheek and the man wipes it with his thumb.

"Let's go get you cleaned up." He says.

"Thank you........" i start.


"Oh. I'm (y/n)."

We walk towards a staff only door. Not minding people's stares. He opens the door for me and I walk in. It's a small bathroom.

Evan pulls a first aid kit out if a cabinet and pulls out a bandage. I clean my arm wound with water and he patches it up. I then just clean out my face scratch.

"I'm so sorry. We knew we would have some problems at this zoo but not having an animal attack a visitor." Evan says.

"It's fine. I'm all better." I say.

"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"No it's okay."

"How about dinner?"

I look at him weirdly.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes." He says.


"Good. Stay in the zoo and look around for a bit. Meet me at the flamingo habitat when the sun is setting."

"Ah okay."

We both exit the bathroom and go separate directions.


I see the sun is setting so I start to make my way towards the flamingo pen.

Once I was there I saw a blanket layed on a rock in the exhibit. And Evan was sitting on the blanket.

I hopped over the fence and Went towards him.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." He says.

Now this will be a fun date.

Words: 746

I know it's bad. Don't judge me please.

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