I Am Wildcat- Expecting (1)

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"She's going to be beautiful! I think she will have your adorable smile." Tyler said holding my stomach.

"Or your obnoxious attitude." I joke.

"Hey, I think I have a good attitude."

"Keep telling yourself that honey."

I kiss his cheek as he decides what to say next. His lips form into a smile as I back away. He wraps his arms around me and brings me towards him again.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you two." Tyler whispers.

"She's almost going to be here." I say.

"Any day now."

"Aren't we supposed to meet the guys for dinner soon?"

Tyler's head quickly looks at the clock. I'm pretty sure he pulled a muscle or something, because I heard a small snap. He grabs my arm softly and guides me to the car. I slowly get in with the help of the bar on the ceiling of the car. This baby better be an angel. She will be the death of me.

Once Tyler got the car started we we're already halfway there. Actually I think Tyler is going to the death of me though, I mean come on. Tyler is reckless. Well he is the driver for the missions he goes on, so he knows what he's doing.

We get to Evans house in under ten minutes. A normal drivers time would have been about twenty five minutes.

Brock was waiting for us at the door. He walked up to my side of the car and opened the door for me. He carefully got me out of the car.

"Thanks." I nod.

Going up the driveway, up about five steps, and in the living room got me out of breath. Scotty was already there with a glass of water, the normal ritual when I come over. I quietly thank him before drinking the water.

I set the glass down, feeling way better. All the guys seemed to be in the living room talking about the next perpetrator they want to kill. That odd thing was, I heard someone in the kitchen. I get up and slip into the kitchen.

To my surprise Bryce was there. I smiled as I saw him, he wasn't at the last meeting. I missed him, we are like extremely close. He's my brother from another mother.

"Hi." I greet.

"Oh, hi." Bryce said uneasy.

"What up? Is something bothering you?"


"You can always talk to me, I'm not here to judge."

"It's ohm. Ever since we had that fight, everything is so different. We don't ever talk anymore, and it's so weird because he's my best friend. I honestly miss him, but I don't think he even cares about me anymore. I just go living my life, but I know I wronged someone. I don't know anymore. I want to fix everything, just waking up is hard. Wait is he here?"

"Didn't see him. Heck I don't even see Craig. They seem so quiet now. Well Craig got this new girlfriend. He's more focused on her than his best friend, that's for sure. Anyways, tell me how you are without this ohm thing?"

"I'm doing well. My cats are adorable."

"Like usual. Do you need help with anything?"

"Um no, lasagna is almost done. Delirious requested it because I make it cheesy. Almost like his jokes he always says."


Right after I said that the timer went off. Bryce was right at the stove in a quick snap with oven mitts. I opened the stove so he could grab out the lasagna. I closed it once he grabbed the second pan. My stomach growled as I smelt the lasagna. I mean dang that smells good.

I walked towards the cabinet for the plates.

"No way." Tyler said.

He slowly moved me out of the way and grabbed the plates.

"I got it." He said.

"Your so overprotective." I declare.

"But you still love me."



"Just kidding! You give me your last name for a reason, right?"

He kisses the top of my head before he grabs all the plates. He turns and puts then on the kitchen table. Also if you are wondering, yes. The table is big enough for all of these crazy people. Evan knew what he was getting into when he formed this gang.

"Alright, time to eat." Bryce said bringing the dishes to the table.

One by one the boys started filling up the seats at the table. In order for me to sit normally I have to sit sideways. So I'm naturally at the end of the table. Tyler to my right, making sure everything is okay.

Once we all got served a slice of Bryce's lasagna, everyone was talking.

"So guys," Evan started. "I'm thinking about relocating. I kinda want a place that's not in the city. Maybe like (y/n)'s and Tyler's house. You guys are way out in the country. Is it nice?"

"Honestly, yeah. It's quite and really calm. The only bad part is the animals. You take the trash out one night and a pack of racoons are chasing you back to your house. Other  then that, yeah it's great." I say.

"I think I can handle a few racoons."

"Be careful of having pets also. A wolf killed my cat and put it in our pool. Not a good sight to wake up to."

Everyone was looking at me with discusted faces. Tyler was the only person nodding.

"Let's do it!" Brian encourages.

My ears perked up the sound of a phone. Scotty clears his throat and gets up. He walks into the living room.

"Hello?" I hear.

Everyone got to their feet as we heard a gunshot.

I know you're mad at me. So I'm not going to give you some sappy 'im sorry' message. But here is another chapter!

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