Vanoss- Cheater Cheater

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I stood on my porch seeing my husband's two best friends.

"Sorry, um Evan isn't here." I said in confusion.

"We know, we wanted to stop by and see how you are. Also this big baby misses little Logan." Johnathan said pointing at Craig.

I laughed a little. Who couldn't miss my son, he is adorable.

"Well his bus should be here any minute." I said looking at the vast fields of corn.

Living in the country is what I have always dreamed of. Ever since I was a little girl. Evan made it a reality.

I heard the familiar sound off the bus coming down the dirt road.

"Craig." I sung.

The bus stopped in front of the house. A little seven year old comes hopping into the driveway.

"Uncle Craig!" Logan laughs while running into Craig's arms.

Logan let go of Craig and ran up to Johnathan, hugging his legs.

"Hi buddy!" John laughs.

"Mommy! I made you something in art class!" Logan said grabbing my hand.

He dragged me inside the house, the two males following. Logan brought me into the dining room and pulled out a chair for me.

"Sit!" Logan orders.

I sit in the chair as Logan opens his backpack.

"I know it too early for mother day. I want to give it to you now because you don't need a day, I appreciate and love you everyday." Logan said.

I sat back in the chair, astunished that he thought that through.

Logan hands me a drawing he made of me and him. Also our cat Halle was next to us.

"I love you and I love Halle so I drew her with us." Logan said pointing at the picture.

"I love it so much! Do you want to have the honors of putting it up on the fridge?" I ask poking his cheek.

He nods and runs over to the fridge, putting the picture up next to the other pictures he made.

"We need to talk." Johnathan said with a hand on his shoulder.

"Is it important?" I ask.

"I think it is, Evan might not think so."

"I need to distract Logan."

"That's why I brought Craig."

As if on cue Criag picked up Logan and took him outside where the horses are.

Johnathan sat in the chair next to me.

"I want to tell you something that you are not going to like." Johnathan said squeezing my hand.

He hands me his phone, it's his texts with Evan.

Evan- Yo, check this girl out!
Evan- *picture*

Me- she's okay. Why?

Evan- I'm taking her out to dinner tonight

Me- you have a wife, at home, with your son.
Me- hello! Don't mess around with other girls.

Evan- she will never know. She's to busy with Logan anyway

Me- maybe if you helped her out!

Evan- she's the stay at home mom

Me- but your the dad

Evan- so what. I didn't want a child

Me- you are digging your own grave man

I scrolled down, seeing texts from today

Evan- dude this girl is amazing! She is smoking hot and she's good in bed :)

Me- really :(
Me- your wife? Ever think of her?,

Evan- nope not really, I'm staying at a hotel tonight. With my girlfriend

Me- does this girlfriend know your married?

Evan- nope, I leave my ring at home.

Me- You should not be doing this.

Evan- now your sounding like my mom, lay off. I'm young I don't need to be tied down with a stupid wife.

Me- I'm only worrying about YOUR wife and YOUR child. I can't believe you right now.

Evan- got to go, girlfriend is calling me ;)

I looked up at Johnathan, tears dripping onto the table. John tries to wipe​ them with his thumb, but more fall.

"I trusted him." I said.

"I did to, never thought he would stoop so low to this." John said.

"What do I do to him? I don't want to see him anymore."

"I'm not letting you stay here, you are moving in with me."

"I'm going to wait for him actually and talk to him, then I will come. Please take care of my son. I'm going to confront him."

"Of course, come over as soon as you talk to him. Don't let him back into your life, you don't deserve this."

I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shoulder.

"I guess love isn't rainbows and chocolates." I said.

The back door opens and Logan comes running in.

"Mommy? What's wrong? Why are you crying? Is it my picture?" Logan asks.

"Um, mommy is having some problems right now. But guess what! You are having a sleepover at my house for a while! Go pack some clothes!"

Logan runs off as Johnathan turns to me.

"Are you sure you are going to do this?" He asks.

I nodded.

"Keep me informed. I care about you (y/n)."

"Thank you."

I'm going to be honest with you, I got this idea from riding the bus. Lol, no idea.

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