Types of People on Wattpad

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Here are three types of people that you find on Wattpad:

"I won't update until I get (insert number) reads"

I just want to put this out there for anyone who does this: this is incredibly annoying to a reader. I understand that you want your story to be read (I mean, let's face it: we all want reads) but I see this as driving away your readers. I add a story to my library to spend time reading it, not spend time waiting for an update because the writer wants to satisfy themselves with a certain number of reads.

The Really Negative People

This is self-explanatory. These people will post negative things about themselves on their wall or in their books for attention. For example, I like those types of books titled All About Me (or something like that.) What I don't like is when the author posts so many negative things about themselves.

Chapter 1: I hate my life
Chapter 2: I suck at writing
Chapter 3: I hate my life, part 2

If you see Wattpad as a form of social media to complain about yourself, then go ahead. But I won't be following you, that's for sure.

The Grammar Police

We all know who these people are. In case you don't, these are people who correct every single spelling or grammatical error they find. On one level, I see how they are trying to help. On another level, it can get annoying very quickly. I don't think an example is necessary but I will put one in anyway.

The cow ests frass.
"Actually, it's spelled 'The cow eats grass' but I'm not complaining."

The cow eats grass..
"Actually, you're only supposed to have one period there but it's okay."

Dude, it's obviously not okay if you keep pointing it out.

Author's Note: Wow, I made a long rant. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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