Frankie: Huh? What happened here?

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Frankie's POV

"Pizza! Cool! I love pizza!" I exclaim. Everyone looks at me weird.

"I think we've all covered that by now Frankie." Laur says in a joking matter.

"Hey, don't be mean Laur!" I fake being sad.

Anyway, we all tumble out of the elevator pushing everyone else out of the way that were going to the party on floor three.

"Gosh!" Niall says under his breath.

"I know right!" Me and Laur say in unison.

"Stop that!" we yell in unison again. I laugh and she laughs too. The boys laugh also as we go into their apartment.

"WELCOME TO CASA DELA HARRY AND NIALL!" they shout in unison towards us.

"Cool crib!" I exclaim, taking my phone out and checking the time. We all sit down on the sofa, eat pizza, joke about and watch TV. It was like 11:00pm when we all settled down. Laur and I couldn't be bothered to go back so we just stayed there. They were fine with it, its just we had to share beds with them. I slept with Niall, and Laur with Harry. Perfect! All sorted! It was fair cause we both went out with each other. So no commotions!

We all went to bed, but I couldn't sleep. So if anyone was awake, I'd pretend to be asleep. Luckily I managed to become half asleep, so I would get SOME rest. Hours later I opened my eyes to see that Harry was right near me; kissing distance. He saw I was fuming and backed up. I threw a right argument at him and that woke Niall up but not Lauren. Huh. Is that normal? Oh well. Niall wondered what was happening and I told him. He was beyond mad also. Serves Harry right to get two arguments in one morning. I looked over at Lauren and saw that she was sleep walking. I woke her up and she asked me what was wrong. Should I tell her? Or should I keep the secret so she won't be mad? my brain pondered

"Well..." she was waiting for me to answer.

"Nothing. Don't worry. Go back to sleep." I reassured her with a smile.

I'm not gonna tell her what happened. It would break our friendship for sure.

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