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Laurs POV

I sat up prying Harry's arm off my arm. I trundle off to Starbucks grabbing some clothes and my purse from our apartment. I text Frankie.

Going to Starbucks want something?

She doesn't text back I get her the cookie ice slush frappe. While I have a tea. I go next to MacDonald's and order two 20 nugget share boxes and two coca-colas. Me and Ellice go through one and Harry and Niall go through the other the cokes for Harry and Niall to drink.

I walk back and find everyone up.

"What have you got for meeeeeeee???!!!!" Frankie screams grabbing a share box and frappe and sitting on Harry's bed. I join her placing the colas on Niall's bed.

"Boys!" Me and Frankie call and then run in and thank me.

After me and Frankie said goodbye and left. I decided to hang out a bit and at lunch with my friend Demi Lovato. But I call her Dems.

Lunch came soon and I walked over to her apartment and do my secret knock. I open the door to find Demi in bed with...


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