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A/N: One year later... sorry about that.

X on the side ------ > 

The Next Morning 

The beeping of the new alarm clock woke Pierce suddenly. About to hit the snooze button, he slung his arm over the gap between the bed and the night table only to realize he couldn't. Today is the first day of Pierce's training for controlling his newly gained powers. He's honestly not looking forward to it, but doesn't really feel like telling X that. He knows that X would not be satisfied.

The only factor for the next few hours that is making Pierce giddy is Arthur. He'll be there the whole entire time cheering him on or giving Pierce playful jabs and comments. Arthur'll clap his warm, callused hand on his shoulder and congratulate him on his success. Maybe a kiss on the cheek or a caress on Pierce's neck after the day of hard work. Oh, the list goes on. And not only does the list expand, but so does his want for Arthur. 

With a grin on his face, Pierce lifts himself up from the comfortable bed and heads towards the bathroom. After doing his business, Pierce starts to shed his clothes and turned on the shower. Pierce doesn't remember the last time he took one and secretly, he wants to smell heavenly for Arthur. Wow, isn't he whipped. 

Stepping in the shower, Pierce sighs as the warm rivulets of water trail down his skin. He doesn't know why, but taking showers here in the Winged Rogue house feels better than taking one at home. Maybe it's the way it flows out of the faucet? Speaking of home, Pierce wonders how his mother is doing. He doesn't have an answer, though, since she could be anywhere in the city. 

Knowing that she could be in danger gives him an uneasy feeling inside. Quickly, though, Pierce remembers that she has been like this for quite sometime now and she's never been in trouble. So she's probably fine; it's not like today and today only will be the day she bumps into a villain on the way to find a new man. 

Realizing that he's spent too much time in the shower (his fingertips and toes were starting to resemble prunes), Pierce exited and started to towel-dry himself. Watching his movements in the mirror, he noticed that his hair was not the same shade of brown as it used to be. 

It's slightly lighter and has a tint of silver- as if it were like a rock. Instantly Pierce connects the pieces and comes to the conclusion that his hair color had changed due to his powers. Pierce is stuck between the thoughts of it being slightly weird or quite spectacular. He guesses that he can let Arthur decide...

After that revelation, Pierce managed to leave the bathroom in haste and changed into his training clothes. Sphynx left the fabrics in front of his door last night with a note that explained that he needed to wear them today during their session. Unfolding them, he quickly noticed that it was customized. 

The clothes have a forest-green color to it- which is probably in relation to the earth, hence Pierce's powers- and some words are in the corner. It states: 'Pierce Everstreet, 19. Element of Earth'. Woah, that's pretty snazzy, eh? Come to think of it... how did they get his details down on the clothes so fast? Is their technology so enhanced that they can make it in one turn overnight? Maybe he should ask Sphynx about this later.

Inwardly sighing nervously, Pierce headed towards the door. He knew that this was either his first day or his last day. The earth bender needed to show his ability not only to control his powers, but how to fight. How to defend. And how to win.

As Pierce set his foot on the last step of the spiral stairs that lead down to the main floor of HQ, Sphynx greeted him warmly, “Hello, Pierce. I take it you had a good sleep with a smile like that!”

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