Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

"You have 5 minutes" I growled at Austin after he led me into a nearby store.

Luke wasn't very happy about that.

"I'm so sorry. Seriously it was a huge mistake. You are my everything." He said with sadness in his eyes.

"Was. An don't get all mushy and cheesy. You fucking cheated on me. I hate you" I replied my voice raising and my anger boiling.

"Yes her and I had a thing back when you were in America. We broke it off for a while but I guess we just needed to catch up. Please just give me another chance." He looked at me with pleading eyes.

I smirked and laughed.

"As if you stupid self centered faggot" I replied simply an walked away. Satisfied with my words.

"You ok?" Luke asked as we got into the car.

"I'm fine. Happy actually." I replied.

"You don't need to act so tough around me. It's alright to let your guard down."

"You know what Luke I'm not an emotional person. Leave me alone" I snapped and the rest of the way was silent.

He pulled up to my house and I grabbed my costume then slammed the door shit. I ran inside and sat on the floor.

My adorably puppy ran up to me and jumped in my lap.

"Hey princess" I said rubbing her head.

I have some weird things I call her. Eh.

"Hey Claire" I voice said.

"What the fuck. Did you say that. Oh my fucking hell. What the damn" I squealed and jumped up pointing at my little puppy.

"Uhm calm yourself it's me" Alyssa said walking out of my kitchen.

"Fuck you."

"Right now? ha but I just needed to talk to you" she said and sat on the couch.

I went and sat next to her and she looked at me.

"When are you gonna fuck Luke?" she asked and I gasped.

"Dude! we aren't even dating. We are just friends. Every one expects us to date. What if we don't huh? I mean yes I guess he is cute and he is nice but nothing is going to come from it" I vented and fell on her lap.

"The only reason we say that is cause we all see a connection there" she smiled.

"Ughhhhh" I grunted then told her about today.

She sighed.

"I hate life. It's like a drama movie. I've been thinking about going to America again" I said and she pouted.

"Neeevvvvvveeeerrrrrr you slute." She cried and I laughed.

"I'll think about it. Now tomorrow is the party. And I'm still scared how you got in my house but whatever. Lets go get food".

But the thing is I might actually like Luke.

But I'm stubborn and like to prove people wrong.

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