Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

After finalizing our plan and him telling me he is gay, Zach and I decided that we would test out or 'relationship' on my friends.

"Are we really doing this?" I asked Zach as we pulled into the park.

"Hey it's gonna be fine. It's just a dumb idea and if it doesn't work out then you can dump me" he said reassuringly.

"Why can't you just tell your friends you like male parts? They are your friends after all?" I questioned and he sighed.

"It's just my band members. I don't want them not wanting me in the band or getting all freaked out by me" he replied.

"If they truly are your friends they will except you no matter what. Trust me. And by the way, do you have any cute band members?" I said with a big grin.

"All three if them are holy damn." He laughed and I got out of the car.

He followed and slipped his hand into mine.

I flinched a little but then held his back once it finally settled. We walked over to the group of freaks on the grass I call my friends.

"Hey guys" I said and they all looked up very shocked.

"Um Claire who is this?"James asked with a look that could kill.

I knew this plan would fail.

Lets just keep trying.

"This is Zach. My uh well we are uh kinda dating?" I said questioning myself.

"What" Luke said with wide eyes.

I smiled and we sat down.

"So what do you do" Anna asked cautiously.

"I play the bass in a band but I also work at a coffee place part time" he relied with a smile.

His dimples are so cute.

Ok so imagine if Ashton Irwin and Harry Styles were morphed together.

That is Zach.

Boom. Inception. Everyone sat there in silence.

"So this is the guy from the music shop right?" Jasmine asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. We hung out a little and really hit it off" I replied and Zach laughed at my awkwardness.

"Oh yeah. I just fell head over heels" he said and put an arm around my shoulder. I poked his dimple and he poke my stomach.

We started poking each other all over until someone cleared their throat.

"Well as fun as this has been, me, Jai, and Anna need to get going" Luke said standing up.

"Yeah me and Beau need to go too" Jasmine said standing up.

"And I'm not gonna be a third wheel so uh bye sis" James said yet another person standing up.

"Wanna go play on the playground" Zach asked.

"Yes" I replied win a big grin.

We ran off and started playing.

Oh such children we are.

Luke's POV

Seriously. She had a boyfriend.

Right before her and Zach got there we were all having a conversation.

I admitted my feelings for her and they all agreed that it would be an awesome couple.

Now look at this situation.

She has a boyfriend in a band and I'm stuck with nobody.


"I'm so sorry" Anna said as we walked into the house.

"What happened" Mum said walking out of the kitchen.

"Luke's crush got a boyfriend" Jai said and I elbowed his stomach.

"Doesn't surprise me. That Claire is gorgeous and so kind hearted." She replied and I looked up.

"I never told you I liked her"

"Honey it's so obvious. And when it's love like that you can see it from a mile away" she replied and walked away.

Jai, Anna, and I walked into me and Jai's room.

"We're gonna help her to fall in love with you" Anna said suddenly.

"We are?" Jai asked. And she nodded slowly as it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh Anastasia how I love you" I replied.

"That's my woman" Jai growled.

"How'd you know my real name?" she asked with an angry expression.

"Girl please. I'm psychic." I said and she raised an eyebrow.
"Ok fine I saw it on your file at the model agency place".

"Not even gonna ask" she replied and sat on the floor.

"Ok so plan 'Cluke' is in progress" She said and Jai and I say down too making a triangle.

"Lets begin" she said with a devilish smile.

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