Chapter 39

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Claire's POV

Two questions. What the fuck happened last night and why am I locked in a trunk?

My head throbbed as I slowly sat up only to hit my head on something hard.

Yeah I'm locked in a fucking trunk. Shit.

Ok all I remember is beating the shit out of someone then getting pulled away and then playing angry birds.

What a fun birthday. I banged my hands on the top of the trunk for what seemed like hours. Wait why are f
my feet tied together.

Am I getting kidnapped. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die.

The trunk suddenly opened to reveal a trashed Anna.

"Hi" she said quietly.

"Anna why the in the hell am I in a trunk?" I screamed injuring both our heads.

"Truth or dare I think. Maybe hide and seek. Oh and just to warn you your feet are tied" she said trying to fix her dress and hair.

"No shit" I grumbled and she untied my feet.
"Glad I wasn't getting kidnapped".

"Jai and I had sex." She said randomly.

"What! omg how did this happen" I cried with excitement.

"It's not a good thing Claire. We were drunk and I hardly remember it. I lost my fucking virginity and I wanted to wait. I don't even know if this relationship will last" she sighed.

I climbed out and gave her a hug.

"Let's hope you don't have herpes" I smiled and she looked up with wide eyes.

"Kidding. I think Jai's only done it with like one or two other girls your fine". I said and she facepalmed herself.

Hey we're at my house.

Wonder how we got here. And why is there a baby doll sitting on my porch. Lord Jesus take the wheel.

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