Part 13 #GTB

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its been like forever for me to see u guys bc i barely open my wattpad account, and by the way..GIRLS TALK BOYS IS OUT GAIZ OMG IM SO EXCITED!
and i (literally) forgot HOW this story supposed to be end, but let it flow aja yg penting nyambung nGH.
gua update sekedar selebrasi GTB lgsg dpt ide breee.


Aibara's POV

"Mike, nanti pas pulang, ada yg mau aku omongin sama kamu" i said it ugh.
im not sure i'll do it but, let me try

"sekarang aja, gua kepo nih gatahan kalo harus nunggu sampe pulang" jawab Mike

"ya harus sabar lah, kalo gamau tau yaudah gapapa sih, its not a big deal"

"fine" bales dia pasrah

i cant believe my self that im going to confess something.
like... i told the truth that i like him more than just friend?
duh masih bimbang mau kasih tau apa enggak ya....

tapi kalo aku ga jujur juga ga bakal ada kemajuan. ok
apasalahnya untuk nyoba
i hope it wont change anything...

-skip school bc u know. school is kinda boring to tell-

"Ai!" panggil Mike dari belakang

"kenapa mike?" tanya ku

"ya gua yang nanya harusnya, katanya mau ngomong, gua udah pesaran dari tadi kepikiran terus tau gak" bacot juga ish

"okay, i want to tell you something, but not here" aku langsung menarik tangan Michael dan membawa nya ketempat where he stole my first kiss.

"okay, im going to confess you something, it sounds crazy but i cant stop thinking about it. you're the only guy i know this far, i really hate to see you but when you're not around, i miss you. you're the only one who makes my stomach feels like there are butterflies when you kissed me. i told you this is sound crazy, i dont know what am i supposed to do? is it means that i like you? or maybe i love you, or i just cant control my self or--" he cuts me off.


i hold my breath. how can i say those things like it came out from nowhere, and i just realized that i shouldnt say that. fuck

"im sorry i know im a nerdy girl, im totally crazy that i told you something like that, i.. i dont know, it came out by itself...." i try my best to hold my tears. goddamn

"Ai, lo cuma seneng deket gue. its impossible for you to falling in love with me just because we're friends, and its less than a week. okay. i'll admit that i like you too. but as my friend.. my sister or whatever... i dont want to losing you, thats why gue ga pernah nembak lo"

aku nyesel banget banget banget

"ohh its okay, i told you its not a big deal... and you dont have to like me back because i just want to tell you the truth. bc i just cant keep it for myself" i put my fake smile right on my face

but my eyes cant lie
my tears just falling through my cheeks.
Michael gives me his worry-look
kaya dia ngerasa bersalah.

Michael langsung meluk aku
"dont cry baby, i didnt say that i hate you. i love you so much but im not ready yet for the relationship"

i understand
a small smile appears on my face


SO -poisonpen told me that she cant write this chapter beside the GTB things, she has no idea for this story, sooo i wrote it! call me -iszalum
jadi gua adminnya gitu bcz -poisonpen blg gabisa lanjutin lagi karena sibuk sama sekolahnya dan dia minta bantuan admin -iszalum untuk cepet cepet namatin cerita ini... jadi maap ya kalo terlalu cepet, bcoz itu yg dia minta hehe
maaf pake bahasa inggris nya cacat im just trying to good at english. i know grammar brantakan but u know im still learning. and sorry kalau ga sejalan or tulisan gua ga mirip sm -poisonpen but i did my best
dont forget to leave the stars !
love you


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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