Where to Next?

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(Jake's POV)

We all sat in Jensen's office and watched, listening to Danneel call this Matt guy. 

She had it on speaker phone and we listened as it rang five times before an answer came.

"Speak." The man on the other line answered.

"Hi, this is Danneel." she answered. 

There was a rustling in the background and we heard the man with a deep voice speaking to another saying, "Sir, it's her." 

Then a few moments later, "Danni, baby. How's life been treating you?"

"Oh I don't know, kind of hard going on the third day not seeing my daughter." 

"Yeaaaaah..." He let out a laugh, "This rug rat is doing just fine."

"If you touch her you son of a bitch I'll kill you!" Jensen yelled.

"Oh... I see we aren't alone. How is that husband of yours." He asked with a disgusted voice.

"It's taking everything I have to pull him back from coming after you and killing you." She yelled.

"Aw, well I see there are still hard feelings. Hello Jensen, I assume I'm on speaker phone, long time no see?" Jensen just scoffed. "Listen I'm sorry, but you will have to take me off speaker phone because I only work with Danneel in this case." 

"Over my dead body!" Jensen yelled.

"Oh that can be arranged." Matt said gruesomely. "Seriously, cut the crap. Let me talk to the beautiful Danneel Harris alone." 

"It's Ackles, and it has been for almost twenty years!" Jensen yelled.

"Who cares. Just let me talk to her."  Matt said. "Alone." 

Danneel gave us all the look that signaled for us to leave. Jensen hesitated but then walked out with us. Liam stayed with her to manage the conversation. "Alright he's gone." She said. 

(Danneel's POV)

"Finally we're alone." Matt said flirtatiously. 

"Oh get over yourself. I want my daughter back, what do you want?"

"Time will only tell. You'll realize you made the wrong choice in choosing Jensen, and will soon come crawling back to me." 

"You're sick. Just tell me what you want." 

"What I want? I want to see you again." He said pathetically.

"When and where?" I answered bluntly.

"Where we first met. Not on set, but where we first met." He paused and then started again, "You know where I'm talking about?"

"Yes," I caughed back the lump in my throat. "I know the place. Please tell me you're bringing my daughter." 

"One more thing," He said, "Come alone."

"Okay. I will." That was all I could bare to say. 

"Alright. I'll meet you here in forty eight hours. If you're not here alone, you'll never see your daughter again." 

"Okay, Matt. I get it. I'll see you then." I hung up the phone and looked up at Liam. "What do I do?"

"Jensen and I will come with you, but will stay at a safe distance. Also, we're going to bug you so that I can have officers on stand by in case we need them." 

Just then Jensen came through the door and knelt down beside me. "Danni, baby. What's going on? What is up with you and this Matt guy?"

"Right before we first started shooting Ten Inch Hero, I went on a date with this guy. You and I were still just friends and it was harmless." I could tell Jensen was firing up a little and I tried to calm him down. "He took me to this Chinese sit down restaurant and then tried to take me back to his apartment to watch a movie. We went on four or five more dates until he wanted more from me and I wouldn't let him have it." Jensen was furious at this point. I grabbed his hands and held them in mine. "I told him I didn't want to continue to see him and he was furious with me. Soon after you and I started dating, and he turned into this complete stalker."

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