Daddy Knows Best

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(JJ's POV)

"Hey Jay..." Jake looked at me, and smiled. I couldn't move. I couldn't think. I just stood there. Actually I stood there in shock for a little too long, because things got a little awkward. "Well, uh, usually when someone says hi you respond, but I'll let you off easy this time." He winked and walked around the truck to the drivers side and stood right in front of me. His arms awkwardly wrapped around me, and he gave me the most awkward hug I had ever been given. The whole situation could be described in one word... awkward! 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"You didn't think I'd miss an Ackles Halloween party, did you?" He smirked, and I could tell he was trying a little too hard. "So, where's everybody at?"

"Uh, um, there inside." I was still trying to process the fact that he was right in front of me... and that he'd be here all weekend. I had skipped school on Friday to help plan for this party. I couldn't have been more excited, and I didn't want him ruining this weekend. 

He grabbed Tom's bag, "Hey Jay, will you grab his phone?" and he walked inside. I hurried to follow him inside and as he walked through the front door and into the kitchen, he yelled to everyone, "What's up everyone?"

Conversations immediately stopped. The whole room was so awkward. I could see Odette and Arrow whispering to each other. My Dad leaned over to my mom and tried to whisper, but he's the worst whisperer ever, "Am I allowed to say hello, or would that be wrong." 

Everyone stood in silence, and didn't know what to say when Kim and Katy walked in surprisingly early. "Well who died?" Kim asked trying to lighten the mood, obviously not having any clue as to what was going on. 

"Kim! Welcome!" My dad said hugging her, and trying to lighten the mood. "How was your flight?"

"Well, it was great!" She whispered to my dad, "Seriously what's going on." 

"Long story... I'll tell you later." 

"Jake come get some pizza!" Jared said, trying to avoid the mood that was surrounding us. Everyone slowly started up their conversations again, and Jake and I joined Tom at the table. 

Mark started walking over to us and sat across the table from the three of us with a beer in his hand. "So, you're Jake?" And before he could answer Mark cut him off, "As in the bloody bastard that broke our JJ's heart?"

"Mark! What are you doing?" I asked defending Jake for some reason.

Jake sat completely stunned. It was almost as if he couldn't move. "Um, I guess you'd be right. Yeah that's me." He muttered.

"Well, you won't be offended if I do this then." And from under the table he kicked Jake right in the shin, and then leaned in close to him, "Hurt her again, and I'll hurt you worse." He glared at Jake and then stood up to walk back over with my dad and Uncle Jared.

The party continued for the rest of the night, and everyone drank and enjoyed the evening together. Us kids loaded up on egg-nog, and when the sun went down we were surprised with how warm it still was outside. 

"You wanna get out of here?" Jake smiled and wrapped his arm around me. 

"Um, what are you doing?" I was so uncomfortable. 

"Okay, this is obviously not working. I'm being so weird, and making you uncomfortable. The only thing I really want to do is talk. Can we go somewhere?" Thankfully Hallie just walked in the door. She had been with her Aunt tonight, and didn't see her much ever since she moved in with us after Tom moved out. 

"Hey guys! What's going on?" She walked around the corner and saw Jake, "Oh..."

"Hello to you too." He tried to smile and be friendly, but the two of them hadn't gotten along since we were with them at the University when everything went down. 

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