<Night 4 ~ A Night In>

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(an/ Couldn't wait I just had to post it a day early SURPRISE)

Mari's P.O.V

I flopped on the queen sized bed, sighing in exhaustion.

'So this is what high school is like..' I thought, staring blankly at the ceiling. I'd never really been out when I was younger. I was confined to our mansion and got home schooled by only the finest teachers. Obaa-san* expected nothing short of perfection from me, so I never had time to focus on anything else until recently. This high school was a lot more than I ever dreamed. I had freedom to go wherever I could, within the area, and apparently on weekends I was allowed to go out to the nearby city, which I had yet to explore. Here I am, now with freedom and free time, yet I feel so tired. Classes were a bore yet I had to present some sort of work, which is difficult with Aido pestering me all the time. The fangirls every evening without fail show up by the gates, against the rules might I add, their piercing screams making my ears bleed and Ruka's death glare that's been trained on me ever since the Kuran acknowledged me drives me up the wall. This new school sure pushed me to my limits, shedding light on a new side of me, one that I'd never before seen with new emotions like irritance, rage, impatience, stress. This is so unlike me. It was testing my boundaries to see if I could maintain my apathetic character, which is tough under these circumstances.

It was a dream, being a (somewhat) normal high school student. But all this will fade and disintegrate into mere memories in future. I've learned not to grow attached to fantasies like this.

My thoughts were interrupted with the chiming of my phone.



"DON'T JUST HELLO ME YOUNG LADY!" A voice shrieked on the other end of the phone, causing me to flinch and hold the phone at arms length away from my ringing ear. My manager.

"School obviously."

"School? Since when did you start attending school?"

"Three nights ago, remember? Request of Obaa-San, saying I need to mingle with others my own age or something." I grumbled, remembering how easily Obaa-San threw me out.

"Mingling or whatever, you need to get your butt here right now! Mingling isn't going to pose for a photoshoot for you!"

"I can't. I'm stuck here for a while." I denied, cringing at the thought of the flashing lights of the cameras again. I could never get used to it.

"AHHHHHHH!" My manager screeched, probably flailing her arms around like a madman trying to think of a compromise.

"Just say I had school. Because I do." I snapped, annoyed at the fact she rang me up to complain at me. I was having none of it today.

"If it makes you feel better, I'll make a bonus track today and send it over to you."

"We don't need tracks, we need photos darling!" My manager whined, irk marks appearing on my head.

"Take it or leave it. I'm not going and that's final." And with that I disconnected the call.

'That's right, I probably should inform Cross of my little side job..' I contemplated telling him now or later.

... Later.

Feeling restless staying cooped up in the room, I made my way to the main area where Shiki and Rima were lounging in the sofa, as well as Akatsuki, who I'd never seen without Aido.

Akatsuki's P.O.V

"Hello Mari." Rima greeted the white haired girl with a small smile.

"Hello." She smiled softly back.

That's new. All I've seen of her is angry, stressed or just ignoring everyone.

"Care to join us?" Rima offered.

Mari nodded her head and took a seat in the sofa next to me. She was the last person I would expect joining us.

"You seem stressed." Shiki commented, causing her to sigh.

"I am. Do you know if Cross allows part time jobs?"

"Yeah, Rima and I are models." Shiki stated.

"Why? Do you have a job?" I asked, watching her carefully.

I wasn't sure what to think of her so far. She seems like an anti-social introvert who always listens to music, even now she has her headphones hanging around her neck.

"Kind of."

"So you guys are models?" She asked Shiki and Rima.

I sighed and leaned back, curious more about her than the other two.


"Our manager is quite tedious mind you. Always panicking and causing a fuss."

"Tell me about it." She muttered quietly, a hint of irritation I've only seen towards Aido flicker in her red eye.

"So where do you come from?" I interrupted the two models' conversation, my curiosity getting the better of me.

Besides I already know Shiki and Rima.


"Who else would I be talking to?" I scoffed, making her frown and look down at her hands as if she remembered something, something bad.

"I'm not really used to talking about myself, sorry." She apologised curtly.

I sighed. Now I felt guilty for bringing back memories. Great.

"Well you can talk about yourself now. There's not much we know about you Mari." Shiki smiled softly.

"Well then.. I come from a subprefecture called Iburi, by the Kuttara river." She answered my question. I felt the guilt dissolve, but still lingered.

Why did she look so melancholic when I made that comment?

"Hmm. Never heard of the place." I said, leaning back on his arms, brushing my thoughts away.

"What about your family?" Rima enquired.

"My Mother died when I was born, so I lived with my Father and Obaa-San on the family estate." She explained, looking slightly uncomfortable if I didn't know better.

Rima and Shiki also sensed her discomfort and offered to play cards.

"Card games?" I was surprised to see a hint of childish happiness glimmer in her eyes at the mention of a game.

"Sounds good." I leaned back, the image of Mari's happy expressions replaying in my mind. It was a sight I'd probably never forget, I doubt I'd see that again.

*Obaa-san: Grandma

A/N: Holy shizznicks 1K VIEWS WWHHHHAAATTTT THANK YOU SSSOOOO MUCH i sincerely apologise for my slow updates but i have planned to update at least once a month hehe [shameless self promo] also if you like vampires *more specifically Diabolik Lovers* I have posted a DL story which I have been working on for a while (hence my disappearance) so if you want you can check it out >.< much appreciatedddd [self promo over soz 'bout that] anyway thank you guys so much again I actually cannot believe it, I keep refreshing to see if it's just a glitch but wHATTHEFRICKITSSTILLTHERE (to celebrate I had a brownie ^^)

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