<Night 8.5 ~ Genius>

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Mari's P.O.V

I glared at Yuki as she drank my tea. Nothing personal, but I did want to drink it, I quite like my tea.

"Wow! This is so good!" Yuki commented as I crossed my arms and nodded proudly.

Zero didn't want to drink it because he didn't trust me. I mean, I don't trust myself either but I still drank my tea and I lived to this day!

Now in a mood, I decided it was best I go to class. I still felt a bit sickly but the thought of Grandma shaking her head at me gave me enough energy to force myself out of bed today. The class was already silent when I walked in, the teacher acknowledging my late appearance, but saying nothing. Better late than never right?
I grabbed a worksheet off the teacher's desk and made my way to my seat, my neck feeling chilly without my headphones covering it, but luckily I had my hair down to stop the breezes.

"Sensei!" I called out, putting my hand up to get their attention, also capturing the whole class' attention too. "Do you have a pen I could borrow?"

"Hai, here, can you catch?" I nodded, the teacher throwing the pen to me, which I caught with one hand easily.


"You should come to class more equipped Mari." I heard that Kuran's reprimanding voice, my eyes automatically rolling.

"Hai, I just forgot one today, it won't happen again." I put my head down, completing the paper well before anyone else.

As I went down the steps to hand my paper back to the teacher, I caught sight of Akatsuki's work. He got most of them correct, but he made a few mistakes on the more difficult questions. Clearly he was an advanced student, but small errors can make all the difference.

"Question 10 is wrong, you need to expand the brackets before you apply the indices." I circled the question, then returned to my seat with my head on the desk.

It wasn't long before I heard a thump next to me, raising a brow at Akatsuki who had decided it was alright to sit next to me.

"I don't get how it's wrong."

At first it seemed his intentions were to challenge me, but once I explained it (with a sigh), he was paying more attention to the work than me, actually wanting to learn to my surprise.

"Get it now?"

"Yeah, I get it. Thanks."

I blinked in surprise then shook my head out my thoughts. "No worries."

He stayed sat next to me for the rest of the lesson, prodding me whenever he needed something. It was annoying, but he wanted to learn and who am I to stop him? I felt the class staring at us, and I wouldn't admit it, but that was one of the main reasons I was burying my head in my arms. I wish I had my headphones right now, then I wouldn't have to hear their conspiring thoughts.
Akatsuki left my table to go hand his paper to the teacher, which got full marks (thanks to me).

"Hey," I leaned back in my chair to see Shiki and Rima on the table above me holding their papers out. "Can you help us?"

"Sure, why not." I sighed, taking their papers and circling what they did wrong, writing notes on their work on how to solve the question, seeing as neither of us could really be bothered to talk. The pair weren't the brightest, but they weren't exactly dumb either, calculus is probably their weak subject (I heard that English is their strong subject, 2nd in the class to Kaname-- why am I not surprised.)

"Thanks." They chorused as I gave them back their papers and they amended their mistakes, also getting full marks.

I felt two stern stares bore holes through my souls as I rested my head on my desk again. I raised my hand, sweating profusely as their glares intensified.

"C-Can I leave early?"

"Yes, you may."

I snapped up my book and threw the pen in the teacher's pen pot, trying to get out asap. A hand grabbed my arm before I could leave.

I gulped as Ruka and Aido loomed over me with their papers.

"You can't escape..."

A/N: lmao i need a new cover.

i'll make one later.

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