<Night 6.5 ~ Clash Of Lost Tempers >

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Mari's P.O.V

'Damn vampire hunters, thinking they can get the better of me. If only they knew...' I chuckled humourlessly at my bitter truth. Instead of going to my room, I decided to take a trip to the library to research this Yagari vampire hunter, and vampire hunters in general. I'm not completely sure I am permitted to do this under my circumstances, but having some knowledge can't hurt? What she doesn't know won't hurt her.

The library was empty- good. I browsed quietly through the various sections, collecting a pile of books that could offer me some insight in the world of vampire hunters. I got a bit carried away and meandered into the fiction section, taking out a novel by Edgar Allen Poe.

In a bit of a better mood, I left the library to retreat to my room so I could read the books.

"Hey. What are you doing out of class." A cold voice demanded. It was none other than Zero Kiryu. 

"Finished my work so I got let out early. That and I didn't like the teacher." I explained truthfully. Zero nodded slowly, his eyes catching onto the books in my arms.

"What are they?"


"I know that!" He snapped angrily. "What books?" I clutched the books tighter to my chest. Zero noticed, violet eyes narrowing on me as I kept my emotionless expression.

"Edgar Allen Poe." I said stoutly. The silver haired male nodded again. "That and some other books for research. Now excuse me..."

"Why would a vampire want to do research?" Zero asked, stopping me in my tracks.

"I have my personal interests." I answered, not turning to face him. "And don't call me a vampire."

"And your personal interest is vampire hunters?" His words dripped with poison, my temper slowly climbing up inside me again.

I didn't reply, continuing my trek to my room. Breathe in, breathe out.

"How pathetic of a vampire to so openly research vampire hunters." He continued to taunt, my techniques to controlling my temper deemed practically useless at this point.

"I said don't call me a vampire." I said just loud enough for the male to hear.

"Then what are you, vampire?" I dropped my things, appearing in front of him, my leg poised to kick him in the head.

"Don't push it boy, I'm in a bad mood thanks to that stupid teacher Yagari." I growled as he just about caught my foot. His eyes widened slightly before they furrowed into a glare. I jumped back to my original positon, having to move again as Zero shot a bullet in my direction.

He didn't stop there, his own temper snapping. He had a distant look, his mind somewhere else as he continued to shoot at me. I swear his eyes briefly glowed red, his accuracy becoming almost pinpoint, I had to actually try to dodge his shots. I took my chance when he eventually ran out of bullets, throwing a punch to his face, knocking him off his feet. I sat on his chest, holding him in my grip, making sure he couldn't escape.

"Get off me vampire!" He shouted angrily. I slapped him across the face, my eye glowing dangerously. I quickly covered it with my shaking hands, grimacing as it began to ache.

'Kill him...'

I shook my head frantically, trying to block out the thoughts inside me, my throat getting dry. I gulped down my rising fears, running away like always, picking up my things as I ran to my room, leaving Zero on the floor.

I didn't quite make it to my room and sunk to my knees in the forest. I took deep breaths, reminding myself that I would not fall prey to it, I would not give in. I gripped on the front of my shirt, gritting my teeth, a silver chain necklace that dangled around my neck glowing underneath my shirt.

"Restrain me..." I whispered, the blessed chains tightening. I bit my lip as I got used to the strength of the chains. I was seriously pushing how much I could use these, charms could only do so much before I lost control.

I coughed, red staining my handkerchief, before I put it away and collected myself together and somewhat staggered to my room, where I passed out on the bed, curling into a tight ball to protect myself from the future, past and present.

(not edited, I was in a bit of a hurry to post this, please excuse the mistakes and comment if it doesn't make sense so I can make corrections ^^;;)

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