<Night 3 ~ Kaname>

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Like yesterday, I got up, had a shower and got changed into the night class uniform. I hate the fact it's white, like my hair.
White for innocence and purity, contrasting with my blood red eyes.


Pushing back the thought, I looked around the many boxes of my things and decided to start unpacking. I still had some time before school and I wasn't up for breakfast after Zero's pancakes from yesterday.
I don't have that many belongings, just a lot of electronics.
Unlike some of these vampires, I live in the 21st century and don't plan on moping over the fact the dark ages are no longer.

After about 20 minutes, I'd unpacked most of my stuff and even set up my little music corner with my laptop and launchpad. I was finally reunited with my most precious beloved headphones!
Moving all my things was actually quite tiring and I had managed to work up a minuscule appetite. I cracked open a can of energy drink and sipped lightly at it while enjoying the silence.
After only a few minutes of peace, a knock was heard on my door.
"It's me Takuma! We have school in 10 minutes." He informed me. I hummed in response and heard his retreating footsteps.
Grabbing my books, headphones and a breakfast bar, I went downstairs to where almost everyone was gathered. They didn't seem to realise I was there, and I took full advantage of it.
Or so I thought.
"Good morning Mari!" An annoying voice said in my ear, lifting my headphones off my ears.
"Tch." Snatching my headphones off Aido, I went back to ignoring him.
"Don't ignore me~!" He whined loudly, not only annoying me, but everyone else in the room.
"Please be quiet." I hissed, clenching my fist while glaring icily at him.
"Careful Aido.." Thank goodness for Akatsuki otherwise I would've punched that phony face idol.
"She's so cold and mean." Aido pouted.
"It's because you're so annoying." Ruka pointed out.
"I'm not annoying!" He shrieked.
"Shut up already." I growled at him, causing him to gulp. My eye started to ache from my threat so I instinctively put my hand on it. Luckily no one saw my display of pain as they were too busy watching Ruka and Aido fight.
'What a circus..' I thought, slipping on my headphones once again, blocking out the world temporarily.
I scanned the room; my eyes landed on two people standing together, a girl and a boy called Shiki and Rima (I think) who are siblings I presume. Yesterday they were staring and whispering about me in class..
We locked eyes for a second and they both smiled a ghost smile at me.


Probably just being nice to me, not that I have a problem.
If anything they could be useful allies.

That's my purpose of being here right?

Everyone fell silent when the presence of the pureblood entered the room.
"Good morning Kaname! Did you sleep well?" Takuma greeted cheerily.
"Yes I did thank you." Kaname's brown eyes scanned the room, searching for something.

They landed on me.

"Is there a problem?" I asked, lifting one of my headphones off my ears, just to be polite.
"Not at all." I could easily tell he wanted something from me, a look in his eyes told me so, a look I'm all too familiar with.
Our eyes locked for a few seconds more before I broke the eye contact and clicked my tongue, turning away from him and inspecting the wall instead. I felt his gaze linger on me for a little while longer before he sighed in defeat.
"Shall we go?"
The night class all nodded in agreement and began to file their way out of the dorms. A lot of the students threw a glance at me, but none actually spoke to me.
Not that it bothers me.
"Why would Kaname lay eyes on her?" Aido hissed skeptically.
From what I could tell, it seems Aido has a thing for Kaname, Ruka too, given by the way they drilled holes into me with their glares.
"Because she's the new girl. I'm sure it's nothing." Ruka dismissed, getting wound up by the fact I didn't rise up to her taunts.
Before I knew it, we had crossed the bridge and was at the wall that separates the day and night students.
Through my headphones, I could distinctly hear female day students screaming in excitement.
I took my headphones off to check to wasn't hearing things.
"Are we ready?" Kaname nodded and briefly glanced back to us, Takuma taking his place next to the pureblood.
"Yosh!" Aido's eyes were glimmering with excitement, filling me with disgust.
'How vain..'
The large brown doors creaked open slowly, the squeals of the girls getting louder.

Kaname's P.O.V
Ever since that girl came, I've been greatly bothered, the conversation with Headmaster Cross still lingering in my mind.

"A new night student?"

"Yes. She is very dear to me and is of great importance so you must look after her."

"May I ask of what importance?"

"I cannot reveal yet.."

"Who is she?"

"You may have met her once when you were younger, Mari Jieshu. Or you may know her as Mari Akü?"

"I think I may have met her when I was younger.."

"Because of certain circumstances, she is taking shelter at Cross academy and her safety must be secured at all costs."

'At all costs? I wonder..' I thought as my eyes fixed to the girl walking slightly in front of me, her white hair swaying with every step she took, brushing off all the looks thrown her way without a care in the world except her music.

(but deep down, a young girl was screaming, crying out for help...)

(Choose to save her?)*LOCKED*

(what a pity..)

A/N: Sorry for the kinda crappy update :P I just thought I should put Kaname more into the story and that I should update some time... ^^;; Go ahead and shout at me in the comments for being such a bad author, I don't blame you! Yah, if you couldn't tell I was a bit stuck with this so I found it difficult to write. If you have any ideas, feel free to message me! Happy New Year! My resolution is to procrastinate less, sleep on time, update stories more often and draw. What about you? Any new year resolutions?

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