Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Aisha's P.O.V

I woke up in a dark room with dim lights flickering wondering where I was.    I looked around and I saw two built men looking right at me guarding the door 

I checked if my hijab was still intact and if i was still wearing my abaya. .Alhamdulillah I'm still dressed

What was i doing here?

Where is Abdullah, ya Allah please let him be safe 

A women with high heels and a short tight dressing showcasing her skinny figure walked in and walked up straight to me 

"So your the wife... I mean the old wife" She says observing me by walking around me in circles

what the heck is she talking about .. the old wife, what old wife?

"Okay i'm guessing by now your probably wondering who I am, what i want, what your doing here and where your beloved husband is well let me save you the trouble of asking" She walked around and pulled up a chair and sat across from me 

" You see for the who I am part my name is Nora Hamilton, for the what I want part its very simple I want your husbands baby, for the what your doing here well lets just say I caused an accident that gave your husband memory loss and gave me the opportunity to kidnap you and take you out of the picture ... for good ,  and last but not least for where the husband is don't worry his in a hospital safe" she said putting a red lollipop in her mouth smirking 

What did i just hear Abdullah got in a accident.. we both did that's how she kidnapped me wait he also lost his memory ya rabb please let him be okay 

I made the dua for him so that anything else that might be hurting him may be cured  by Allah 

Ayesha (R.A.) stated that when anyone among them had an illness, Prophet Mohammad (SAW.) used to rub the area of the pain reciting the following dua:أَذْهِبِ الْبَأْسَ رَبَّ النَّاسِ وَاشْفِ أَنْتَ الشَّافِي لَا شِفَاءَ إِلَّا شِفَاؤُكَ شِفَاءٌ لَا يُغَادِرُ سَقَمَاً"O Lord of the people, remove this pain and cure it, You are the one who cures and there is no one besides You who can cure, grant such a cure that no illness remains".

"Whatever your whispering to yourself isn't gonna help you now" she said laughing

If only she knew the power and might of Allah

I ignored her and continued to make dua over and over again for Abdullah that's all that I could do for him right now, may Allah let him be fully and totally fine InshAllah

"Oh I almost forgot you believe in whats the  name.... oh Allah... yeaa god in izlam right, you must be praying to him girl I can assure you only i can put and take you out of this situation" she said smirking 

"I see you don't talk much..  well you see I need your help, your husband lost his memories and thankfully memories of you but for some reason he still has knowledge of his religion and his wife's.. oh and well i lead him to... actually made him believe i was you and now he believes i'm his wife, so i need help learning about your religion in exchange for food daily"

"Okay" I said 

I'm not helping her because I want the food but because who am I to deny the religion of Allah to anyone wanting to learn it for whatever reason, maybe this will change her Allahu a'alam (Only Allah Knows)

"You're lucky he still remembers his religion or else I would've killed you and you wouldn't get this deal" She said getting up and dusting off her dress and walking away towards the door

"Oh and honey don't you dare try to get in my way, I will have a baby with Abdullah and there's nothing you can do about it" she said turning my way and smiling 

I don't have to do much I leave the situation in the hands of Allah

Whats her name again Nora walked out leaving me in the room with the two armed men. May Allah keep me safe... Ameen

The two men who were I guess watching me walked towards me 

"So your the one we've been trying to get out of Abdullah's life" One of them said 

"You see were here to make sure you never leave this place, I'm Damon and that's Adam" he said pointing at the other guard who was avoiding eye contact with me

"Nice to meet you" i said 

they seemed taken back that i would reply

"Listen don't make things hard for both us and yourself because we don't wanna hurt you but if you attempt anything were going to be forced to hurt you by Nora and that bit** doesn't give a sh** about you, so cooperate with us" said Damon

I looked over and  there was a large window with lighting coming through. I could see that the sun was setting this means its maghrib (the prayer at sunset)

"Can i please use the bathroom" I asked 

"Sure, I'll lead the way" Said Damon

He walked me out the room and into a broken bathroom. I closed the door behind me while he waited outside and went over to the sink and made wudu (abolution) 

When I completed my wudu I noticed that there was a clean town under the cabinets I grabbed it and walked out

"What do you need a towel for" said Damon

"I need it to pray over" I answered lowering my gaze

I dont wanna pray in front of them what am I suppose to do now. there's no way I can pray in front of them its too weird and I feel like they'll attack me in prayer when I'm not paying attention

Whatever I can't just not pray. I'll pray I dont care if there staring. 

I looked and they were looking at me wondering why I was putting the towel on the floor. Darn I have a new problem how the heck am I supposed to get the direction of the Qibla 

I realized I could use the direction of the sun to figure it out, thanks to Adam .  I prayed and made dua that I leave this place safe and that Abdullah's healthy and safe

The unsettling thoughts came in of how Abdullah isn't aware that im his wife and that i've been kidnapped 

how will I ever leave this place in time before she tricks him into having a kid with her





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Salaam <3

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