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In class, everyone was paired up to make a project out of someone important in Paris:

Nathaniel, Juleka, and Rose: Mayor Bourgeois.

Max, Alix, and Kim: Ladybug

Mylene, Ivan, and Nino: Principal Damocles.

Sabrina, Chloe, and Alya: Jagget Stone

Adrien and Marinette: Chat Noir.

"Since we aren't even enough... Marinette and Adrien will be partners."

Chloe was disappointed. "Why her? Who arranged these groups??"

"Miss. Rose stayed after school to help and she arranged the groups."

Chloe sat down. "Nice Rose!" Said Alya.

"Thank you, Alya!" Replied Rose.

"Well kids, you have 3 days to have your presentations. Have a good day and see you on Monday!"

Everyone stood up and talked of the project. "Soooo I guess I'll be going to your house again."

"Yeah... Well see you later." Marinette ran to her house. She had to take off all Adrien pictures in her room.

"Welcome home, honey!" Said her mom.

"I LOVE YOU TOO MOM!!" She went up running.

"Someone coming over?"

"Yes!" She was quickly taking them off when the bell rang.

"Honey! Adrien is here!!"


Her mom greeted him. "What brings you here?"

"Me and Marinette are working on a school project together."

"Aahh! That's nice! Well what is it about?"

"We have to research and interview someone important in Paris. We got Chat Noir."

"Chat Noir huh... Well did you know he usually comes in Marinette's balcony?"

Adrien was shocked. "How did she know?"

"Uh how did you figure out mam?"

"Well last night, I went up to tell Marinette that me and her father were leaving to visit her aunt in another city... And I peeked and saw Chat kissing her!"


"Yep! My girl and a super hero kissing?! I thought her first kiss was going to be with you."

"Why do you say that, mam?" He blushed.

"Ahh she talks about you all the time!"

"S-She does?"

Marinette came out. "Mom!"

"Well I better get going. It was nice to chat with you, mam."

"Ayy you can call me Sabrine!"

Adrien went up. He sat on a chair and pulled out a notebook.

Marinette sat next to him. "So Chat Noir! Great!"

"Yeah. I wonder who he is under the mask..." Said Adrien.

"Well who ever he is... Kisses good."

"He kissed you?"

"Yeah. That was the gift he gave me."

Adrien noticed her blushing. "I guess you are falling for him."

"I think I am... But I like a guy and I'm not sure if he feels the same way.."

Adrien knew she was talking about him.

"Uhh well he might accept your feelings!"

"Huh? Well thanks..."

"We should get going!"

After they planned everything, the only thing left was the interview.

"I have to go. My dad is probably looking for me."

"I'll see if I can get the interview."

Adrien left. Marinette then heard Alix looking for her.

"Hey Marinette!! Do you know how to contact Ladybug??"

"Uhh well I heard she will be tomorrow on the park at 3:00 p.m."

"Thanks!! Good Night!"

Chat then came in. "Hey Princess!"

"Chat! Just the cat I was looking for. I need to call my friend Adrien."

"Uhh why do you need him?"

"Well I need to tell him I found you."

"Let's not do that. So interviewing? For what?"

"We are doing a school project."

"I'll be glad to help you but I want something from you afterwards ~"

"Uhhh what is it?"

"You will have to wait." He smirked.

"Let's just start..."

After the interview, Marinette stood up. "What is that thing you want now."

Chat Noir stood up and brought Mari closer to him. He then kissed her deeply and made out with her.

Both were enjoying this. Marinette was starting to fall more.

"Princess... I love you."

The Princess And The Knight [COMPLETE] ✔Where stories live. Discover now