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Yeah! You know percabeth103kp 's persona Reese? Well I drew a person ( Lloyd ) and he became my new persona! I was talking to her about Reese and Alex and we decided to kill Alex so Reese could be with Lloyd!

Yeah! You know percabeth103kp 's persona Reese? Well I drew a person ( Lloyd ) and he became my new persona! I was talking to her about Reese and Alex and we decided to kill Alex so Reese could be with Lloyd!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Reese and Lloyd's idea of Netflix and chill is actually watching Netflix while drinking chilled glasses of champagne.

I also really want to thank @Fancywhats for inspiring me so much... ( it won't let me tag you )

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