Just some doodles, sketches, and other crap I come up with! DO NOT STEAL MY ART OR I WILL COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND EAT ALL OF YOUR NUTELLA AND DEACTIVATE YOUR NETFLIX!!!!! Thanks!
It's just I got a lot going on
And I'm lazy😂
Well in school I'm not exactly the most confident...
And this happened:
Me: Oh crap I need to download the Hamilton playlist before I get on the bus! Them: And you wonder why you don't have friends.
And I almost punched someone in the far yesterday cuz they slapped me with a respect check ( there these things the school gives you to buy ice cream) and Kaitlynn had to drag me away from him so I wouldn't get in trouble.
Oh and about Kaitlynn
She doesn't have wattpad anymore 😭
So basically my day in school is filled with witty comebacks and deducting.
( I've been watching Sherlock)
My teacher says that I'm gonna be the next Sherlock which is pretty cool...
BUT SHE ASKS ME TO DO SIGN LANGUAGE ALL THE TIME. Or should I say: Tells the whole class I'm doing it before asking me.
She's an awesome teacher tho.
Anywhoop Here's some art
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This guy is low key in love with gingerbread mum and like. Why am I saying this Cuz I'm gingerbread mum I'm literally making up imaginary boyfriends -.-
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Woweee this is old. But see those two guys No not Lloyd and Reese. The Angel guy and the guy in a straight jacket Ya well I turned them into ocs
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