I feel so loved...

21 5 20


Oml people...

We are at 3k!!!!!!!!

Oml when I started this I thought no one was going to read it, but my friend convinced me and I'm really glad they did!!! 

Like I thought that no one was going to read it then in the back of my head I was thinking about being able to write chapters like this but I thought it would never happen!!!!!!!

Like I thought that no one was going to read it then in the back of my head I was thinking about being able to write chapters like this but I thought it would never happen!!!!!!!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Nightcrawler is my bb  if you hurt him I swear.


I'm sorry it's just I'm so hyper.

* baby babbles *

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