Just some doodles, sketches, and other crap I come up with! DO NOT STEAL MY ART OR I WILL COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND EAT ALL OF YOUR NUTELLA AND DEACTIVATE YOUR NETFLIX!!!!! Thanks!
Okay so here is the story of the Randerfloipions: percabeth103kp and I were in library and I saw an old picture I drew. I drew a person to show her how my style changed and this is how it went:
Kaitlynn ( percabeth103kp ) : wow you draw foreheads really big! * draws face and arms on head *
Both: laugh
Me: this is going to be a species now
* works on species *
Me: what should we call this species?
*Kaitlynn takes the paper*
So yeah that happened! The guy's name is Gerald and his Randerion's ( head face ) is Flamplius. The rest of the stuff is on the page if you can even read it, my printing sucks.
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