1 The Letter

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(This story may contain spoilerz for the Escape the night episodes! So if u dont want them spoiled for u then I suggest to not read this until you have! Iv warned u!)

Sams pov

I was on my computer when my doorbell rang. I got up to answer it. I opened it and found a butler and a vary creepy made. What the hell, who are these people and why are they here? "Sammantha Derice lynn?" Asked the butler. "Yes, can I help you?" I was really cunfused. "Your mother, Charlene Darice lynn, has past and you are next in line for her mansion and her money." He said and handed me a letter. It had a creepy wax seal L on it and it was spread all over the letter. "Um, but my mother isnt dead, shes alive and her name is Brittnee Owens McCaslin, so sorry you must have the wrong person." I say, trying to hand back the letter. "No miss Sammantha, your real mother has past, your parents divorced just a day after you were born and your father took you, that is your step mother." He told me. I was in shock. So many questions roled in my head, Brittnee was my step mother? Why did my father never tell me? And were is this mansion? "Miss Sammantha, hello?" I snap back to reality. "Um yes, thank you for telling me, when do i leave?" I ask. "Today, at approximately noon." He said. "Ok thank you, but I dont know were the mansion is." I told him. I dont really care for the mansion or the money. In fact I dont want either. I want to stay in my little apartment, and I have a decent amount of money and a great job as a youtuber who just hit 5m subs. I was happy with my now life. I dont want a new one. "A driver will pick you up at noon so I suggest you start packing miss Sammantha." He said. "Thank you um-" I realize that I never got his or the mades name. "You can call me 'the butler' and this is made Sarah." He said with a bow and 'Sarah' curtsied. "Ok thank you." I said and shut the door. I felt like this was bad. But do I have a choice? I look at the letter and run my thumb over the wax seal. I put the letter on my dinning table and went to get ready. But then I started to her wispers. I look tword the sounds and all I found was the letter but, there was a sticky note on the front. It said 'read first!'. That was definitely not there befor! What the hell! I pick up the letter and open it. I started to read it.
"Dear my Daughter,
I have past so I give you my mansion and wealth, but the house only allows you to wear, feel, and act like the 1920's. Anything you bring from the 2016 will vanish. Also you must host a dinner party with 12 guests your first night there. If not, the house will not let you stay sane. This house is more dark then you think. Your invasions must explain about the 1920's and the must act like a character frome the 1920's. But you can not tell them about the magic of the house. Make sure no one wanders off! I hope you enjoy it! It will certainly be the Dinner party to die for.

Love your mother

1920's? Characters! Dark magic?! WHAT THE HELL!! I immediately run up and get ready. After my shower, I brush my short black hair and did my make up but, just foundation. With a little black eyeshadow. But what was I ganna wear!? I dont have anything 1920's like! I walk into my room and there was a silk black dress. It was beautiful. I quickly put it on. Once I do I get one last check in the mirror. Yep, definitely the 1920's. I hear a honk and look out my window. There was a guy and he was in front of a old style car. I walk down to the car and he held open the door for me. I thanked him and he got in the front. We drived for awhile and I noticed that we were heading to a forest. What the hell? The the driver flip a switch and pressed some buttons and a golden glow with sparkles flew around the car, and this giant house appeared. I stepped out of the car and thanked him and walked into the house. This was huge. Right, I haft to write invasions. This is ganna be interesting.

Hay! So ya ik this is not the same as escape the night or escape but i wanted 2 make my own thing but it really is inspired by them. And pls check out escape by HaleyDuke shes awsome and makes great books! Ok <3 u guys, gtg, see u in da next chapter, bia!!!!

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