12 The End

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Sams pov
We were running down the stairs,are footsteps loud. Once we hit the stairs we split up accidentally. Me and Joey ran outside. We ran behind a bush and hid. "Wait,where are the rest?" Joey asked. "We got split up." I said. "Oh Sammy! Where are you?" Arthors voice rang. Me and Joey kept quite and carefully peeked behind the bush. We saw Arthor,walking around with a knife in his hand. "Sir Joey,im sure your here to." He says. We quickly duck back under the bush. "What are we going to do?" Joey asks. "I dont know,but we need to find out where Haley,Shane,Oli,and Eva are." I said.

We shut it when we hear footsteps approach are hiding spot. We quickly ran to a nearby fountain. "How do we find them when were being chased?" Joey asks. "I dont know." I say. We kept running to different places,hiding,then running again. At this rate we'll get no progress. We hid behind a shrub a panted. "W-we're never ganna find them like this." I pant. "Ugh! Fuck it!" Joey said. He got up. "HALEY! SHANE! OLI! EVA! WHERE ARE YOU! SAM AND I ARE OUTSIDE!" He shouted. "I like your style Mr.Graceffa." I say. Only a few seconds and we got an answer. "WE HEAR YOU! WE'RE INSIDE!" Haley said. Me and Joey nodded at each other and ran to the back door. We ran inside without being seen and was met with 4 very tired people. "There you guys are." I say. "What now though?" Joey asks. "We found somethings. Theres another basement." Shane said. He handed me some papers and a key. We heard clicks of heels heading are way. We all quickly ran out and behind big rocks.

"Was that the maid?" Joey asks. "Ya,shes been chasing us around with a knife." Oli says. I read over the papers quickly but,cautiously. "Ok,I think I know where to go. C'on." I said. I looked to see if its safe and took off to the door. I grab the nob and look back,to see the group not far behind. I wait for us to catch are breath befor opening the door. It revealed a staircase going down. It was dimly lit and smelled of blood. I started to walk down the stairs, sent hitting hard.

The group followed me,stepping down the stairs quietly. The halls were brick and torches lit the way. We soon came to a old wooded door with an rusty iron handle. I open the door as it sqeeks loud. The door reveals a room,full of knifes,papers,jewels,and riches. "What is this place?" Eva says. "It looks like a dungeon work place?" I said,not entirely sure myself. We all step in and scan through the room,looking for clues. "These papers are all about the murders and missing people that happened in this house." Haley says,scanning the papers.

"And the treasures are stolen." Joey said. Everything here seemed to be connected to the house. "Is all this Arthors?" Shane says. I shug. Who knows honestly. "Hay! Theres a box over here." Eva said. We run over to her and see a wooden box with a copper keyhole. I take the copper key and put it in the keyhole. I turn the key and a click rang out. I open the box and inside were papers and a silver key. I grab the key and Oli grabs the papers. He reads through them,his eyes moving quickly.

"Anthony Davis..?" He says. "Isnt 'Davis' Arthors last name to?" Haley asks. I shrug. "Its says here that Anthony is the real owner of this house." Oli said. "Whats the key for?" Shane asks. I shrug again. "Its says something about a hidden keyhole,but theres only a poam." Oli says. "From the highest peak of eyes can see,you will find the hidden key." He read. "Peek? As in mountain?" Eva said. The group discusses the poam,I look around the room. The walls were covered in,most likely,stolen paintings. One painting caught my eye. I step closer.

It was a painting of The Three Mysteries. The Three Mysteries are three ancient mountain. I used to see them when I looked out my window when I woke up. They were a beautiful sight. I noticed a small cave in one of the mountains peek. Being curious,I took the silver key and inserted it into the 'cave'. The cave was actually a keyhole. A click was heard and the wall opend to show a small room with a nother door. The group looked over at me,surprised. "How did you know that?" Oli asked,shocked. I just shrugged.

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