2 The Invitations

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Sams pov

I walk up stairs to the top floor and found my room. I was in awe for a while, admiring it, then I rememberd the note. Alright, 12 guests. But who? I have no phone but I can write a letter. Yes, ok now lets get start.

Smol time skip

Haleys pov ^yes I add her^

Im recording my final video for today. "Alight, thats all for now, please hit the like button if you enjoyed and hit subscribe if you want more, and Ill see you in the next video, bye!" I turnd off my camera and heard a knock on my door. 'Ugh I need to edit!' I say to myself and answered the door. A woman stood there with blond hair and she held up a letter. "Invasion from miss Sammantha Derice lynn." She said. Sam sent a note? Why didn't she just text or call? Did she lose her phone? And who is this woman? I took the note and thanked her. I shut the door and sat down with the letter. It had a wax seal L and look like it was vary old paper. I open it and begin to read...

Haleys,Joeys,Timothys,Shanes,Evas,Sierras,Olis,Glozells,Leles,Justines,Andreas,And Matts pov *ik its alot but deal with it*

'Dear my attending friends,

I have been given a mansion and wealth from my real mother I never knew, I am hosting a dinner party, which I invite you to come. But must dress, act, and feel like your in the 1920's. If you bring anything from 2016 will vanish. A driver will pick you up at 6 and almost like magic the house will appear. I hope to see you there.

Your friend,
Sammantha Derice lynn.~

Haleys pov

What the hell? I thought Sammanthas mother was alive? Well she did say my mother I never new. But whats with the 1920's stuff? And what dose she mean anything you bring from 2016 will vanish? I decid to call her. *ring*...*ring*...*rin-*. What? I look at my hands and my phone...was gone!? Is this what she ment by vanish?! Holy crap!! Sams hiding something and im ganna find out what! Wait...do I want to find out? Ugh!! This is so frustrating! I look at the clock and its 1. Better get ready. As im in the shower, I start to think about the invasion. Dear my attending friends. How many more did she invite? Well ill find out soon. My character was the oldest daughter of the blacksmith. I have no idea what that means. And why the oldest? Is there a younger daughter? I hop out of the shower and dry off. Then I notice a dress an the counter. It was a yellow dress with oil stains. I mean, I am the daughter of a black smith. I put the dress on and did my make up. I heard a honk outside my house. I look out my window and saw an old fashion car with lots of people inside. I got in the car and realized all of there faces. There was Joey,Timothy,Shane,Eva,Sierra,Oli,Glozell,Lele,Justine,Andrea,and Matt. I didnt know she invited this many people. "Hay Haley." Joey said. He sat next to me. "Hi guys." I said. "So you got invited to?" Timothy asks. "Ya, well I am her best friend." I said. I dont really like Timothy. He only cares for money and cute or hot girls. "Ya I guess that makes sense." He said and shrugged. "I cant wait for this dinner party." Shane said. "Me either." Eva said. "I cant wait to see the mansion." Sierra said. I noticed all the girls were wearing fancy clothing and jewelry and im just wearing a dirty yellow dress? What the hell? "So whats your character Haley?" Oli asked in his accent. "Oh im the oldest daughter of the blacksmith." I answered. Everyones stared at me with confusion and surpris. "What?" I ask. "Girl everyone here is a famous character." Glozell said. "Ok, well what are your characters." I ask. "Well my character is The savant." Joey said. "My Character is the Mobster." Timothy said. "Im the Renegade." Shane said. "Im the Jurnalist." Eva said. "My Character is the Heiress." Sierra said. "My Character is the big game hunter." Oli said. "Im the Jazz singer." Glozell said. "Im the hustler." Lele said. "My Character is the Gambler." Justine said. "My Character is the Fixer." Andrea said. "Im the professor." Matt said. I haft to admit it, i kinda like one of the guys here. Shane is that guy. Alot of girls here want money and the mansion. I dont want that. I didnt know Sam did to. Something really weird is going on, and I need to find out what.

Time skip there at the house

Sams pov
Ok, deep breaths, clam down. "Miss Sammantha, the guests have arrived." Sarrah said. "Thank you, I'll be down in a minute." I tell her. "Yes miss Sammantha." And she walked back down stairs. Ok, lets do this. I hear vioces down stairs and walk down there. "Haaaay" everyone noticed me. "What do ypu think?" I say. "Its great Sam." Shane says. I blush a little. I kinka like shane...and Oli. Ugh im a love mess. "Welcome, haha dinner will be served shortly, until then, lets have some fun." I say. Everyone was having fun and having some apple cider. It was all fun until..."Hay Sam can we look around." Shane asked. Shiz! "Uh no not right now please." I was praying for him to believe that lie.

Shanes pov

I could tell she was lying, I could see it in her eyes. "Dinner is ready!" Sam called. As everyone else went to dinner, Eva and me went to look around. "Hay wait up!" Haley whisper. All three of us went up stairs. "This, is so creepy heheh." I say with a laugh. Were on the second floor when we noticed the made dragging a body. "Wait what?" Eva said. "Omg..." Haley said. I shove both of them behind me and the made came out with blood on her. "Dinner is ready, Please head down stairs." She says and motioned to the stairs. "I was looking for the-" "Please head down stairs." She cut off Eva. "Uh ya ok." I said and pushed them back to the stairs. "I know what your doing." I whispered to the made. She stayed there with a blank expression. I walked down the stairs to find everyone staring at me,Eva,and Haley. I haft to tell them what I saw, but not now, later, and the first one to know is Sam. I cant have her in a house were she could get hurt or die.

Evas pov

What I saw upstairs scared me so bad. Ill have to tell them but not now. Ill wait till later.

Haleys pov

OMG WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST SEE!? The creepy made just draged a body away! Sam better have a GOOD reason for that!

Sams pov

I saw the dinner trays get pulled in to the dinning room. "Dinner is ready!" I yell. I walk to my seat and sat down with everyone. "Wait, wheres Shane,Eva,and Haley?" Joey said. Oh god. "Ohhhhhhh!" Everyone said. Then a few minutes later Haley,Eva,and Shane came into the room. "Where were you!" I said, jumping from my seat seeing if Shane had any injuries, since he was the closest. As im looking we locked eyes. Those eyes were beautiful. I snap out of it. "Ganna answer my question?" I asked sitting back down. "Wait what is this? Can we eat it?" Shane asked poking at the food. "Hold on, dont change the subject!" I said. I was really anoyed. I told them not to look around and they didn't listen! Eva was trying to pull of that she was in the bathroom. Then the butler came in and gave Shane a note. "Ohhhh whats it say?" Everyone laughed as Haley and me stayed silent. Shane started to read and his smile disappeared. He put it down. "What did it say?" Timothy asked. The shane...started coughing blood!? "AHHHHH" everyone backs away as me and Haley try to help. "What happend." I asked calmly. "Iv been poisoned." He said quietly but I could still hear him. "Guys he said hes been poisoned!" I yell. "Wait the note!" Haley says. "You have been poisoned with your lungs filled with blood you will die but, you know I love games, there are three keys you haft to find one is as high as a mountain top, and one is were words are found. With 15 minutes lets see if you make it." Haley read with her hands shaking. Shane was laying in my lap. "Everyone split up into groops, find the keys." But weres the antidote? "Ooohhhhbh no!" Glozell screams. "What!?" I ask. I saw a new lid open with three locks and the antidotes! "Hurry 10 minutes left!" I yell. Everyone spreads off. Joey,Glozel,Eva,and Haley is group 1, Oli,Lele,and Matt is group 2, and Timothy,Sierra,Andrea,and Justine were group three.
"Sam...if I die.." "Shane no your not ganna die! I wont let that happen!" I said tears picking the corners of my eyes. "Save your breath." I say. I wont let you die shane...not on my watch.

Heheheh yes shane was poisoned >:3. Will he live, or will he fall? Find out in the next chapter bai! Ehehehe >:3

Yes I add HaleyDuke

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