11 "Shocking" Truth

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Sams pov
The group was discussing the thoughts of who the next owner was. I snuck out to have a cigarette. I puff out the smoke,watching it swirl in the night sky. I felt guilt crawl on my back everytime I inhaled or exhaled. I used to do this to Haley in highschool. I closed my eyes to try to relax. I felt something on my shoulder and jumped. "Ahh!" I look to see Oli with sad eyes. I sigh. "Its just you Oli." I calm down. He lays his head on my shoulder again. "How long have you been doing this?" He asked quietly. "It started in highschool,after someone found out bout Haley and I's relationship and leaked it to the whole school." "You and Haley dated?" Oli cut me off. I nod. "At the time,we didnt come out yet and weren't really ready to so it took a told on are relationship. We were stressed and under pressure,me more then Haley. I had to find a way to relax. I rememberd one old friend of mine said he smoked to relieve stress,so I decided to try it. At first,I didnt like the after taste the cigarette left,so I bought an electric one so I could add my own flaver. I keep it a secret for a year,then it slipped." I take another puff. Oli was looking at me with big and curious eyes. I continue. "I was smoking on the roof,2:08 am. I was stressing over finals. I heard a soft voice behind me and saw Haley,with a hurt look in her eyes. She ask 'how long have you been smoking?', I replied 1 year. She broke down,started yelling things at me, 'Why did you do this?' Or 'Whats the reason?' And 'How could you hide this from me'. 6 minutes passed. 6 minutes of nothing but arguing. Then she broke it off. I woke up the next morning,a note left on the bed. It said she needed space." I tryed to fight tears trying to fall. "I fucked up. I fucked up bad. I had lost my girlfriend and possibly,the only friend I had,all because I was afraid to tell her the truth." I said. I take one more puff and throw the bud on the ground and squished it. "But,shes hear now. What happend?" Oli asked like a child. "2 days after the incident. It was 5:22 pm. I was heading back home from work,when a piece of paper flew into my face. I pull it off and read over it. It was a list of bus and train schedules. 'Oh! Im so sorry miss!' A familiar voice called. I look up at the vioce. It was her. She was dressed warm with one of my beanies on her head. 'Sam' 'Haley'. It was silence between us for about 10 minutes. 'Oh' she said and took off the beanie,her hair a lil frizzled. 'This is yours,I accidentally grabbed it' she handed the beanie to me. 'Sam?' I never replied. 'Why do you have list of bus and train schedules?' I say. She looked down. 'Are you leaving me?' I started to tear up. 'I-im sorry' she said. I yelled at her,asking her why? Why is she leaving? Why is she leaving me when she knows I need her? 'I dont want to leave,...I just dont want to be lied to anymore'. I grabbed her shoulders. 'I promise'. And thats how we got here now." I finish the story. "Wow. No wonder you to need each other." Oli says. It was silence between us as we looked at the sky. It was still a dark blue,stars shining,but in the distance,you could see the tiniest bit of a lighter blue,meaning dawn was coming. "Ace." Oli grabbed my attention. "Do you think..." "What love?" He looks at me with seriousness. "Do you think are relationship will end up like your and Haleys did?" He asked. "To be honest love,I dont know. Time will tell for us." I said. Silence fell once ag- "HAY! LOVE BIRDS! GET YOUR ASSES INSIDE WERE MOVING ON!" Haley shouts. I sigh as Oli giggles. "Way to ruin the moment bitch!" I yell. Oli kisses my cheek and helps me up. I smile as we walk back inside. The group was upstairs at a door. "Heh,..geuss we missed some stuff." I nervously chuckled. "Yeah,ya did." Joey says. Shane ulocked the door. It opend to a bedroom. We were all quite confused,until we saw a man in a stay straight jacket with three locks. He was mumbling angry. When he saw us he angry grunted really loud.

The group jumped back. I was slightly scared to be honest. I hate straight jackets. My father would put me in one with ear pulgs and a blind fold for hours. Thats what made more alert and have quicker reflexes. It made me so jumpy,so I used it when I fights. "Um sir?" Eva said. The man growled at her. She yelped. "Sir,please listen,we just want to help you." Oli says, stepping up. "You want to get out dont you?" The man snarled. "And you do to." Oli stood his ground. Iv never seen Oli do this. The man glared insanely at him.

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