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Hi, I'm going to tell you a little about myself. Ok, maybe not a little, because I tend to talk a lot. But that's ok you'll get used to it. So, here I go... My name is Adelaide Mikaelson, but you already new that or at least you should. I mean, it's an important fact. If you didn't know my name then you would be confused through out the story. And if you didn't know what you were reading then you just read a whole book for nothing... Sorry did I get off topic? I tend to do that a lot. Anyway what was I talking about?... Oh right, me

Like I was saying my full name is, Adelaide Rose Mikaelson. I don't fancy being called Adelaide and if you do, i will personally de- tongue you. And since most people don't enjoy having their tongues rip out, people call me Addy . There's only one person in the whole fuckin' universe that is allowed to call me Adelaide. That my friends, is my annoyance of a big brother, Elijah. Now, I haven't seen either of my brothers, Nik and Elijah, or rather any of my siblings what feels like forever. This is due to the fact of my brother, Nik, sticking us in boxes and putting us god knows where.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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