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Elena: We talk to each other a lot

Anna: We have nothing else to do

Elena: Yeah but I mean there was a time in school that we stopped talking cuz you stopped sitting with us in English

Anna: Yeah I remember

Anna: And then my beautiful ass came back


Anna: I have 0 memes so your saved for now

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Anna: I have 0 memes so your saved for now


Anna: You little punk

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Anna: You little punk

Elena: YOLO

Elena: Swag

Anna: Yeah right

Elena: Please excuse my dope ass swag 💁💆👑

Anna: Where? 👀

Elena: Only cool people can see it

Elena: Sorry not sorry

Anna: Or maybe only people at the same level as you

Elena: Awesome people

Anna: Hahaha you're funny

Elena: Always

Elena: I'm eating a burrito

Elena: 😋

Anna: Did I ask

Anna: Jk 😂

Elena: Ruuuuuude

Elena: Like no please

Anna: Like, damn it you beat me

Elena: Haha

Anna: Loser

Elena: I know you are but what am I :p

Anna: A pineapple

Elena: Snapchat has One Direction filters

Elena: Wtf

Elena: A pineapple??

Anna: Yeah

Anna: What since when

Elena: Que te pasa ?

Elena: Idk I keep seeing these fan accounts doing them

Anna: Idk, do you like pineapple? You look like a pineapple kinda person

Anna: And ohhh I need the proof

Elena: Lmfao I love pineapple

Elena: How does one look like a pineapple kind of person???

Anna: See

Anna: One word: Psychic

Elena: Hoe gtfo

Anna: Never

Elena: *sigh*

Anna: My mind and soul will always be here

Anna: To haunt you for the rest of your days

Elena: Why me though 😩

Elena: Do that to Karina

Anna: Oh she knows, it's in the contract. Y'all can't get away with it

Elena: Wth I never signed a contract 🙅

Elena: I wish to speak with my lawyer

Elena: This is outrageous 🙆

Anna: You have no lawyer, that's me but in the future

Elena: Dang flabbit

Anna: You signed it, but you were unconscious

Elena: Tf

Anna: Idk

Elena: When tf

Elena: How tf

Elena: Why tf

Anna: Who tf

Elena: 💀💀

Anna: The five w's

Elena: There was only 3 that were said 

Anna: 4

Anna: What tf

Anna: Who tf

Anna: When tf

Anna: How tf

Anna: Why tf

Elena: How doesn't count 🙆

Anna: Where tf

Anna: But it has a W

Elena: The W has to be in the beginning

Anna: Ohhh

Elena: /.-

Elena: Lol weenie

Anna: That's you

Elena: Wtf tf

Anna: The lamest weenie of all


Anna: Ignore the heart

Anna: You're a disgrace to all weenies

Elena: Awwww you shouldn't have 🙆

Elena: Thanks for the heart

Anna: It was an accident

Anna: Just like you


Anna: Hahahaha

Elena: You beat me to it

Elena: Damn

Anna: I'm the queen

Elena: Of the losers

Anna: Nah

Anna: Not in my book

Elena: Whatever floats your boat

Elena: 🚣

Anna: Water

Elena: 🙀

Anna: Hahaha

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