15: The Stars Align

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(I hope you're feeling bubbly and dream of him after this ;) this should be too cute to handle)

No more hiding. You were going to say it. You were finally going to tell him. No more secrets. Pour out your feelings. You knew Sean didn't want you to have to hide anything from him, so you were going to be brave and tell him.

You fell for him a month ago.

Your feelings were only growing to the point where you'd have too many pillow screaming moments to count. You were so in love that you'd just jump up and down because you were so giddy and hyper that you couldn't handle it. His charming smile, his adorable green hair, his soothing voice, and of course, those beautiful, spellbinding eyes.

You wished for him to hold you so much it ached, and your heart was fried. But there was a tiny voice of doubt that scared you, what if he doesn't feel the same?

You two were bestfriends and you wondered if that meant he friend zoned you. That didn't matter. You weren't going to hide it from him. He deserved to know.

You're at his door when you take a deep breath and knock. Not even a second later, you're greeted by the person you fell in love with. Sean asked you to come over because you always lay on the roof to look at the stars. It was relaxing, but with the state you're in, there's no such thing as relaxing.

He hugs you and your heart nearly explodes for the thousandth time,"(Y/N)! You're here!"

You giggle, trying to contain yourself as he walks you upstairs and out onto the roof. Up there, he has a blanket laid out with a plate of cookies sitting in the middle. You're laying down on the other side of the plate as him when he stops you.

He moves the cookies out of the way,"Hey, get over here you."

You smile as you scoot over next to him, your mind screaming THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.

You both lay down, side by side, staring up into the starry sky. You gaze at them, shining and still. After a half a minute of silence, you finally speak up,"Sean?"


Both of your voices match up in sync,"There's something I need to tell you."

You both laugh for a second before you say,"You first."

"Nah, you spoke up first,"he insists.

You're actually going to say it. You take a deep breath before starting,"Okay, I got this. Here we go: Sean, I know I shouldn't have been hiding this, but I've been so nervous to tell you."

He looks you in the eyes, paying attention to every word.

"We've been best friends for a while. But about a month ago, something..."

"Sparked,"he finishes your sentence.

"Sean?"you ask, startled.

"Go on,"he asks you to continue.

You sigh,"Sean, I- I have these feelings- and I don't want to hide them from you any longer. I want to tell you. Sean, I-I-"

You trail off when you notice his face suddenly mere centimeters from yours. Your breathing hitches with every bit he leans in. Finally, the stars align and your lips collide. You feel your strength falter and you fall back onto your back, but this doesn't break the kiss. Sean curls over you, half on top of you and one arm slips around your waist, finally holding you as you always dreamt.

He pulls away, his eyes never leaving yours,"Does that help finish your sentence?"

"Sean, I- oh god,"you stutter, blushing.

"(Y/N), if you didn't say it first, I would've. I just was scared that-"

"You wouldn't feel the same,"you both say in sync.

"Now I can say it without being scared,"you smile,"I love you, Sean."

"I love you too, (Y/N),"he pulls you up, holding you in his arms and brings you in for another kiss under the starlit sky.

But Sean, baby... (JSE imagines)Where stories live. Discover now