22: Mom & Dad

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Sean was terrified. You giggled at him, shaking like a leaf, trying to get dressed in the right outfit. You were bringing him home to mom and dad for dinner, and Sean was freaking out at the thought of failing them. As soon as he buttons up his long sleeve, flannel shirt, you wrap your arms around his neck.

Pecking him on the lips, you smile,"Why are you so scared, babe?"

"I don't know,"he looks away,"I just feel like they won't like me very much."

You press your hand to his cheek, turning his head back so you can look him in the eyes,"Baby, I know they'll love you. They know that you make me happy and I always tell them how much of a sweetheart you are."

"R-really?"he blushes, smiling widely at you.

You giggle and nod, allowing him to bring you in for a sweet, passionate kiss. Your eyes flutter shut and you let yourself melt for the moment.

You smile,"Better?"

"Your lips always make me feel better,"He kisses you on the forehead.

Finally, you get in the car and drive off to meet your parents at home. You haven't actually been home in a few months, since you live with Sean. The whole way, Sean seems to be completely freaked out, trying to focus on the road. You rub his arms, in attempt to soothe him. He was so tense, he didn't notice. Finally, you pull into the driveway and he shakily gets out with you.

You run over, stopping him in his tracks,"Babe, stop! Will you just relax?"

"No,"he shakes his head, taking a deep breath,"I can't."

You grab him by the cheeks and yank him in for a forceful, love-filled kiss. Immediately after pulling away, you grab his wrist and drag him to the door. He walks drunkenly, presumably in a daze from your kiss.

You slap Sean in the back to get him to stand straight as you ring the door bell. You link your arm in his and rub his arm as the sound of footsteps nears the door. Your mother opens it, a smile crossing her face at the sight of him. As you step inside, you hug your mom,"Hey mom, I've missed you."

"Where's my little girl?"you hear your dad's voice from down the hall.

"Dad!"you giggle, hustling down the hall and giving him a hearty hug,"There you are!"

By this time, Sean was close at your side and your mother was standing next to your father. You take a deep breath and introduce them.

"Mom, dad... this is Sean..."you gesture them both to him.

Your mother dives right in, giving him a heartfelt hug,"So nice to meet you, sweetheart. Is there anything I can get you right now love?"

"Oh, "Sean ups his manners x10,"No thank you."

Your dad shakes his hand firmly,"Good to see you, son."

You follow your mom to the kitchen to help her with dinner while Sean gives you a terrified 'help me' look before following your dad into the living room.

"(Y/N), now I can see why you always gush over his yes..."she whispers.

You giggle,"Mom!"

"What?"she shrugs,"They're so blue... he's quite the looker..."she winks at you.

You roll your eyes and carry the basket of croissants to the dining room table. After ten minutes, your mother goes to your father in the living room while Sean comes back to help you set the table.

"It happened..."he sighs,"The talk."

"What talk?"you laugh.

He nudges you in the shoulder,"The 'break my daughter's heart and I kill you' talk. What else? I knew it was gonna happen..."

"Well hey, take his advice and you have nothing to worry about,"you smile.

Suddenly, you feel a pair of hands grab your hips,"I could never. I need you in my life. I love you so damn much, you're my queen, and I'm going to treat you like it."

You sigh at his breathing over your neck, turning around and wrapping your arms around his neck. You rest your head on his chest and he rocks you back and forth in the middle of the kitchen for a few seconds. When you look back up at him, you fix his glasses, which are starting to fall off his face and give him a quick peck on the lips.

-----------Time skip cuz I'm a lazy ass------------

After dinner, your mother pulls you to the side and places her hands on your cheeks, Sweetheart... he's the one. He has to be."

"What?"you give her a confused look.

"The way,"she swoons,"The way he looks at you with such love in his eyes, the way he's so giddy around you, the way he holds you, he's going to marry you. I won't say I told you so, but I'll just say I knew it. Sweetheart, he's yours forever. He truly loves you and I know he's never going to leave for anything. When you get home, you show him how much you need him and you give him some love, okay?"

You nod, smiling with a deep blush flushed into your cheeks.

After the wedding, you heard those exact words of what your mother told you. And you held the picture frame of the picture she took of Sean holding you in the kitchen. He. Was. Yours.

But Sean, baby... (JSE imagines)Where stories live. Discover now