Honey im home part 2

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The detectives look at Patrick with pity assuming he's still in shock "now son we understand you've been through a hard time.." I don' think you understand detective" Patrick says as if he's talking to a small child "I was as close to my kidnapper as a person can be and I know every inch of him and I'm telling you that that man"he gestures to a now unconscious Frank "is not him." The detectives turn to Pete "can we get ahold of him at your place if need be?" After Pete says yes and gives them all his info they leave to go back to the precinct the older one looks at the younger "don't worry he'll come around in a day or two untill then lets  gather more evidence so we can put this creep away."

Once they are in the bedroom Gerard turns to Frank and pulls him into a needy kiss sucking his bottom lip into his mouth and nibbling on it and trailing kisses down his jaw. He starts sucking on that spot right behind his ear that brings out Franks dominant side, but he stiffens as he notices Frank's not responding as usual, instead of dominating and taking control he's acting more submissive and then he hears it "Gerard, oh sugar your so good, please I need to fuck you so bad." Gerard pulls back Frank never calls him sugar and Frank never begs or acts needy!

"What's the mater babe" Frank asks and now that Gerards brain isn't clouded by lust he notices some things like the purple hickey he put on  Frank's neck isn't there, and then he sees it the one thing that makes his blood run cold the one thing Frank always hated about himself, his chicken pox scar isn't there and he's sure this isn't Frank! He doesn't know how or why, but he knows without a doubt that this is not his Frankie! "Gerard what's wrong sugar tell me what's the matter" Frank says and Gerard visibly flinches as he hears him say that and sees the bandages on his fingers as he reaches out to caress his cheek. "I don't know Frank but I don't feel well all of a sudden," he stammers desperately wanting to get away from this imposter. He needs to get away and find out what happened to his Frankie!

As Gerard turns to walk out the door, he feels the mans arms wrap around his waist, pulling him back against him where he feels a bulge rub against his ass. He shudders when he feels the warm breath and lips brush his neck. The man mistakes it for lust and starts running his hand over Gerards now flaccid cock before he stops, stiffening and reaching up to fist his hand into Gerards hair."aren't I good enough for you slut" he says through clinched teeth. Gerard has to swallow down the bile that threatens to erupt out of his mouth any second.

"So  tell me slut who your fucking that I don't do it for you!" he demands. "Please Frank I think I'm gonna be sick, I'd never cheat on you!" Gerard stammers tears threatening to spill. He doesn't understand but he knows he's not crazy. "Aw sugar I was just teasing " the man chuckles releasing Gerard "I know you would never cheat" Gerard starts towards the door again when the mans voice stops him "where are you going the bathrooms right there" he says. "Yes, but the medicine for my stomach is in the other bathroom" Gerard stammers.

Once again he's stopped by the mans voice and the coldness in his tone makes Gerard shudder, how he could have ever thought this was his Frankie he will never know. "So sugar aren't you going to ask what happened to my hand, I saw you looking at it?" He says and there's something in his voice. Gerard bolts for the door, but the mans faster and he catches him, dragging him back kicking and screaming by the hair before throwing him on the bed. "So what gave me away sugar" the man growls. "Where's Frankie, where is he" Gerard sobs, tears streaming down his face. The man brings his lips close to Gerards ear and whispers "he's dead" and that's when Gerard truly starts screaming.

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