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You and Julian were going to Medieval Times. You guys had yellow crowns so that meant you were cheering for the yellow knight. (I just went to Medieval Times and the yellow knight was so hot like omg he's the new bae lol) After the show was over all the knights were taking picture and autographs as well as the king and princess. You went to all of the knights got a selfie and had them sigh your crown. The last knight you went to was your knight the yellow knight. You thought he was so hot. During the show he threw a rose at you since it was part of the show. You were holding it and he said yellow knight: so your the girl I gave the rose to. You smiled and blushed and said: yes. You asked for a selfie and an autograph. After that you were talking. You totally forgot that you were with Julian. He said: babe it's getting late we should probably go. You jumped a little and said: yeah hold on a minute. You went back to talking to the knight. After 10 minutes of talking you both said bye hugged and you and Julian left. Julian was mad when you guys left. You tried to hold his hand but he jerked you away and kept on walking. You kept on walking and when you got to the car it was still dead silence. You didn't like it so you said: babe please please please please please talk to me I know you are mad but I didn't want to be mean and just walk away when he was talking or cut him off. He said: I'm not mad I'm sad. You said: why babe? He replied with: cuz you guys looked so happy and it made me realize that I could lose you to someone else. You didn't even reply you just kissed him with all the passion you could. After you kissed you said: I promise that you won't lose me even if he is a hot guy I don't care because I won't be with you. He just smiled and said: I love you so freaking much. You said: I love you to babe. When you guys got home you put on pjs and went to sleep with Julian's arms around your waist and you both had smiles on your faces.

Thank you guys for reading please comment and vote and if you want an imagine I will make you one. The picture above is the knight!! He is so hot omg ;)

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