I would Love to have your Virginity

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"As we do not want to have the possibility of the stitches to open up, we strongly suggest for both of you to take the day of tomorrow and relax. If you would like, I will personally write a letter for your school to inform them of your misfortune?" the Nurse declares but before I can kindly decline, another voice speaks up for us.

"That would be great. I do not want my fiancé to get more disfigured than she already has. You see, our wedding is next week and I want her to be in perfect shape for the honey moon. That applies to my case as well."  The bastard says while adding a cheeky wink.

I think the nurse is more crimson than I am and that is saying something.


6 hours ago.

"Good afternoon and welcome to Aroma Coffee. Have you decided what you want?" I ask while glancing down at my watch.

Three more painful minutes and then a relaxing spa day with the girls it is.

"I would love to have your virginity," a husky deep voice announces which sends shivers down my spine.

Rapidly, I lift up my head to see who this pervert is but obviously, as I have the worst luck , I collide with the counter. Ignorant Pig releases a cackle while I let out a screech of pain.

"Fudging hell! I'm bleeding!"

"So I guess you can take my order later?" Ignorant Pic adds.

"Or you can take mine now! Drive me to a hospital please."

"I am quite busy at the moment filming this for Facebook-"


"Jeez, it's someones time of the month."

For some weird reason, Pervert all of a sudden falls to the ground and it is safe to say that he is defiantly driving us to the hospital.

"Where are the seat belts?" starting to hyperventilate, I ask.

"They were not included when I bought the car," Blake says bluntly.

"If I wanted to die, I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ ," sometimes being an introvert and spending all your life on the internet has its perks.

"You know what? You are so fake that Barbie is jealous!" the prick shouts at me.

I have to say though, him being  handsome, charming, and possessing an attractive aura to attract girls is not helping my case.

"Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth?"

As you can see, my attempts to have a brilliant comeback are coming into play.

"Why do you hate me so much? I basically just met you?"

I'm not saying I hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone.

Nah, that is taking it too far.

"Can you just drive Blake?" I say instead.

"Well did you know, regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving."

Having enough, I open my clutch and take out my phone while opening the car door.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting away from you,"

I guess I should do some more insult research when I get home.

"If you do not get back in the car I will post that video on FaceBook." the douche bag mentions.

"You are the living proof that man can live without a brain! Why would I care if anyone sees me cry because I JUST GOT HIT IN THE HEAD AND WILL PROBABLY NEED STITCHES?"

"You are right. Instead I can tell the whole school you slept with me. The video can be proof that it was so good, instead of moaning, you starred crying." JerkFace responds.

"I could care less about what people think of me. And if you want to hook up with a girl so badly, word of advice, stop being so desperate."

His face releases for a second and he mischievously smirks at me.

"You know, it pays of being friends with your ex boyfriend. Theo, am I right?" Silently, he studies my face, "I found out something that can ruin your life. So get in the car or I will tell the school. Your choice."

Long story short, I ended up getting into the car.


Without any communication, we walk together down the pavement to get to the car park. If I did not have an agonising headache and FuckFace next to me, then it would be a beautiful night. I ponder on everything that has happened and something clicks.

"Oh my God! I have not called my mum. She is going to be so worried. How could I forget?" I mutter, more to myself that DickHead.

"I have already taken care of it. Stop stressing, you will get more grey hairs than you have already,"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I believe that you have to dye your roots because I can start to see som-"

"NOT THAT!" ugh, boys will be boys. "What do you mean it is taken care of?"

A playful smile shows on his lips and I realise that he just likes the attention.

"When you were getting your stitches, I took out your phone and texted your mum. You really have to change your password. I mean, mine is also 1234 but anyways, it went something like this:

Dear Mother Dearest,

I am currently with Meredith and Lulu.

Lulu's parents just died so I am staying with her tonight.

I will come home tomorrow.

I love you."

I could swear that my rib cage just did a somersault in my body. And I could also swear that that is not normal.

"Firstly, it is Lola, not Lulu. Secondly, her parents unfortunately died a couple of months after she was born and thirdly, I never say 'I love you' to my mum."

Accidentally, it came out a bit more aggressive than intended and if I am being honest, it was quite sweet of him. I guess I do not give him much credit but I have only known him for 1 week.

At night, everything is more beautiful. At night, you even give rude perverts more credit than than they deserve. But to be fair, that white shirt reveals his strong, defined biceps. From what I have learnt, there is nothing he looks bad in.

"After you stop checking me out, do you want to get in the car?"

I swear I have become red more than ten times today. I could go in the Guineas Book of Records if I keep this up.

"I wasn't checking you out. You were checking me out... Liar..." in moments like this, I question my existence.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," he says and then he has the audacity to chuckle  at his own remark.

Suddenly it hits me like a brick, "Wait, you told my mum that I was going to come home tomorrow, so where am I going to sleep?"

Right after I said that, I regretted it.

"Babe, you do not have to play hard to get. Come into my room. We can start of easy as I know you are not as experienced as me."

"If you carry on like this you are going back to the hospital. Take my word for it."

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