Chapter 4:Groupmates!!!!!

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The next subject was Home Economics. I saw the professor coming inside the room without any expression in his face. I wasn't paying attention too much but as soon the prof told uswe will make a replica of that wind chime thingy. I listened carefully. i kinda get it out. It sounds pretty complicated but it's awesome to make.

"Now class do you know how to make a wind chime out of plastic cups?"The prof asked. We all nodded in unison. "Now we all group you, Natalie count how many students there are here," The prof instructed the black haired girl. She counted us silently, pointing each of us with her pointing finger. She adjusted her glasses after counting Lauren, then she yelled out "42" as soon as she pointed a blonde haired boy at the end.

"42, sir," Natalie told the prof

The prof cleared his throat and started grouping us into 2. I waited nervously for my name to be called.

"Cami, You will be grouped with.."

i nervously fiddled my fingers on the armchair.


My eyes widened. Everyone stared at me and grins on their faces, except for Xander that had the same expression as me

"WHAT?!" Me and Xander yelled in unison.

"But,but---------" Xander started to protest.

"No buts Xander, Thats it" The prof shook his head.

"The wind chime project must be submitted next week. The latest time of submission is on next Friday. Monday submission wont be accepted, Goodbye,class."


This isn't gonna work well.........

Vote?Comment? Kamsahmnida <_> Muah!!!

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