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-Zayn's POV-

Why do I say something stupid every time I'm mad at her. This whole thing was my fault. But how could she just move on like that? Its only been 3 days. I needed to talk to her some how, she wouldn't let me talk to her in person, but I have her phone number. I pull out my phone and click on her contact. I decide to text her because she wont answer my calls.

Me: Nicole can we please talk

She wouldn't answer the first 5 minutes so I text again.

Me: I really didn't mean what I said

After 10 more minutes my phone vibrated

Nicole: What do you want Zayn

Me: I just want to talk to you

Nicole: ok, have you eaten anything

Me: no I've been in my room trying to text you

Nicole: Sorry I left my phone at Luke's place

Me: that's fine.... I'm really sorry though

Nicole: We aren't getting back together

Me: I know, can we at least be friends. I can't live without you

Nicole: ok, only friends

Me: best friends maybe?

Nicole: maybe... But I've gotta go now.
Please eat. Please

With that I put my phone on the bed at went to take a shower and eat.

-Nicole's POV-

I'm happy Zayn and I are friends. I really don't know why I rushed into that relationship in the first place. I mean ya, he's hot, and nice when he's not mad, and I felt safe with him, but I'm not too sure if I love him like I love Michael. But I will still help him.

"So where are we going tonight" Michael asks.

"We could go to a party, maybe egg some people" I laugh.

"Sounds like a plan" he laughs along with me.

"I don't plan parties babe" I said. "It just happens"

I go to Michael's room to find something to wear.

-Michael's POV-

Nicole was in a surprisingly good mood. I know what happend but she wants to go to a party. I still wanted to report this to the cops but I can do it tomorrow. I walk up to my room to see Nicole standing in a strapless bra and panties and holding up two outfits. One was a tight strapless red dress that was supper short. And the other was a pair of shorts that were ripped in the front on both leggs and a black crop top that had fringe on the bottom.
"Whitch do I wear" she whines.

"The shorts and crop top" I say instantly because I love the bad girl look on her.

"Eager much" she jokes, but it sounds more sexy.

"Very" I say.

"Well don't get to eager, you aren't getting anywhere" she says and brushes past me purposely. I just laugh and follow her into the bathroom.

"What are you doing" she says.

"Going pee" I say.

"Go somewhere else there's like 4 other bathrooms" she says.

"But they don't have you in them" I say.

"That's the point, get out" she says and pushes me out. I chuckle and walk to another bathroom.

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