chapter 2

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(Mellodes POV)

"Mellode wake up! Its already 8 o'clock! Your going to sleep your day away!" I hear my mother yell from my door.

Man the first time in for ever that I sleep in and I cant even do that! Today? I didn't get to surf my father is showing the house right next to ours and the renters were supposed to be her at 6:30. So that meant that my mom would be up also. Anyways I guess I still have to get up. Throwing the covers off of me I go to my clothes and put my bikini on, hell if I cant surf might as whale swim! Walking out into the hall way, I walk to the kitchen were my mother is sited  drinking her morning coffee while typing away at her computer. 'like always'

"Good morning mom!" I say walking past her to the back doors.

"Good morning Rosey, where are you going?" She asked looking up from her computer.

You see my mother and I were once very close. When I was little and didn't know I could live my own life, with out her telling me what to do or what to were or even say! So she still calls me her 'little Rosey' because Rose is my middle name. And she has always wanted my first name to be Rose and my middle name to be Mellode. You know what I mean? But my father wanted it the way it is now so after a lot of talking, and arguing they did it Mellode Rose Winchester. My mother only gave in because my father gave her my brothers name. I mean he didn't even argue with her. He just let her have it, so of course she couldn't really have a say anyways.

"Well I guess it would be a good day for a swim. Just try not to disturb your father, the renters are here and he is showing the house." She said looking back at her computer.

"I know mom, I wont." I said while walking out the back door.

Again I walk down to the beach and stair out. The ocean has always been my favorite place, even when me and my brother were younger! I would just stand here and admire the beauty in everything around it. The way the waves crash against the sand, the way the salt mixes with the fresh air. It is all just wonderful. After awhile of just standing I start wading out.

After my swim I start back to the house to shower. As I'm walking up the beach I see my dad and two other guys walk out along with three girls. As I get closer to our steps my dad waves me over, while saying something to the others. I mentally roll my eyes. Does he really have to do this while I'm just coming in from a swim? But I oblige and walk over to them any ways. As I'm walking closer I can see the other five people better, and they look so familiar. How do I know these people? I think to myself. And then it clicks! HOLY MOTHER OF SHIT!

"Sweetie I would like to introduce you to our new neighbors." My father said smiling at me.

"This is................."


(Authors note) Hey guys sorry the story is starting out slow, and there small chapters. I promise if you stick with it, it will pick up and it will have longer chapters. I hope you enjoying the story and remember to VOTE< COMMENT< SHARE!

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