Day-To-Day Life

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My day to day life!

My schedule revolves around my feeling that day, I wake up, and walk out to the main room, where I find a piece of paper titled,

And on the quiz it's always the same questions,
they're all on the scale of one to 10.

- Urge to kill _/10
- Want to Eat _/10
- Want to Drink_/10
- Loneliness_/10
- Depression_/10

My answers are normally rather consistent, and if I get hungry, or thirsty, I'll just say so. also, I don't lie about anything on the list, except loneliness. but why lie about anything else? It gets quiet in here, but I don't want to admit to it, because I don't like speaking my mind about my social thoughts or personal problems, so when I'm asked, I just lie my teeth out...

I like having no input.

I don't just lay on the couch everyday.

Let's make that clear right now

I have to do "activities" to keep me occupied, but if it were up to me, I'd be in front of the computer all day, doing online learning.but I cycle through the same activities, over and over.

But sometimes it's not bad...

Mondays are drawing, Tuesdays are when I check the news (basically just to see what's new in the world around me) Wednesdays are therapy, which is today, Thursdays are music, Fridays are "positivity days".  (which is why I hate Fridays) Saturdays I do what I want, which is normally a day on the computer in my room, and Sundays are also my call on what I want to do. Normally the same thing as Saturday...

Plot the death of Dr. D...

"That's it!" Dr. D exclaims "I'm out, he won't listen again..." I show the one way wall my favourite finger, while not focusing my eyes of the ceiling.

"45, 46, 47..." I count the tiles, my finger still pointing at the wall...

With the exception of therapy, which can span for hours or minutes, the activity of the day goes on for however long I want it to. But my personal favourite subject is music, it's like my every day, but I play longer, and I don't need towery about the activity.

I hate Fridays, only because I have to spend a minimum of 3 hours on Fridays, practicing positive things, such as complements, looking at things in an optimistic way, and just being an overall better person with Dr D. And I hate her, and positivity.

so that's about as fun as an all you can eat liver buffet to a vegetarian... 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an emo, with straight hair covering one eye talking about darkness all the time...

(I have blonde curly hair,thank you very much!)

I'm what I call "a realistic". I say what is most likely, not the best case scenario, not worst case scenario...

The truth.

During art, I normally draw animals, and flowers. But on bad days, I'll draw thinks like guns, scopes, and suppressors... (My favourite gun is the MP5) During music, I play guitar and piano. I mostly play 70's and 80's. I own an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar, piano, and also a launchpad. Music is my favourite, I've spent 7 hours straight on my acoustic guitar, not even on a Thursday. I normally spend 5 hours on music, and play my guitar, piano and launchpad about an hour and a half each day. The rest of the time, I study. Math is my best subject.
('d say I'm also alright in English... -.•)

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