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The door opened and the vacuum in the room caused the perpendicular glass window to tremble making an annoying sound. He was all tired due to a hard workout before and all he wanted to do was to take a good shower. Taking some dull steps towards the bathroom made him suddenly bump into the door. Placing his right hand on his head he punched the door with his left and sudden wave of pain again welcomed him. He was angry and a warm bath was the only solution to swing his mood.

The athletic anger

He changed into a comfortable grey sweatshirt, fell in his white bed, pulled the blanket on himself and his aching body relieved. Adjusting himself he looked for his phone and headphones on his side table and picked them up. Plugging the instrument into the jack he yawned as he was tired as anything. Scrolling down quickly through his music he touched "Mirrors" and the soothing voice of Justin Timberlake began making his nerves easy. 

He then opened his Facebook page and a lot of notifications were waiting for his attention. His eyes quickly scanned the list and stopped on that which demanded his live session. A perfect grin appeared on his lips and he, who was so tired, got all refreshed. He was online after a great number of days as he was the part of the playing squad for the series of one day internationals. When he came back he was busy in other engaging matters. His niece turned ten a few days back and he was so unfortunate that he could not even attend the party. He was thinking of himself after a long time. 

Often we forget ourselves in the mad race of life. We forget the soul in us sitting on some railway station that just keeps observing the pace of the ongoing trains. It is usually like some hyper lapse where people, things and weathers just move and move regardless of that poor soul.

Soon a deep sleep welcomed him and this was essential at that time. He was sleeping so peacefully that even Ali could not dare awaking him. The needles of the clock passed three hours and those one eighty minutes were enough for him. A ringing phone made him awake and he, his head still in bed, moved his fingers on the side table and slid the green option. 

"You have thirty minutes."

"Not now. Please. I am tired and I am just sleeping. K dot, bye." 

"Thirty minutes."

"Shut up."

"Twenty eight." 

And the beeps rang in his ear.

It was the call of his close friends who finally, after the tiring struggle, found some restaurant that was best when it came to privacy as he was immensely popular. They had reserved the most cornered table and gave him just thirty minutes to get ready. He reluctantly got up and stretched himself. He was still drowsy but for the sake of that perfect trio gathered his energy and bade a farewell to his beloved bed. He walked as some drunken addict towards his dressing room and opened the black wardrobe. Picking the hanger holding light blue dressing shirt with his dark blue denim he quickly went on refreshing himself and changing. 

Realizing the passing time, Abdullah came out folding his sleeves on his elbows. Standing in front of the dressing mirror he made himself up, picked the wrist watch from his side table. His fingers moved hurriedly on his strong manly wrist and the beep of horn outside made him to rush. With his shades on, the dimensions of beautiful corridor observed him going leaving the beautiful scent of Eternity to be felt for another few hours.

When they reached at that restaurant he felt as if he was rightly there. He needed such outing desperately. His friends were constantly joking and making fun of him and he, without a single wrinkle on his broad forehead, was enjoying their company. They had ordered some continental food and started their meal with a mouthwatering soup. He, while eating slowly, rested his back and closed his eyes. 

His mind was continuously combating with his painful past when he used to do low paying jobs. 

He was enjoying the ambiance of that high street restaurant but his body was still sitting beside some road side vendor, wiping the utensils. 

He quickly composed himself as one of his friends put a spoon full of soup into his mouth. Dealing with this emergency situation he heard a feminine voice near his chair. He switched his glance from the tissue paper to the person standing beside him who was asking something.




So here's the last update for today? Did I say fifth? Oh my God! I am so tired. 

Well, how this journey is going? I am extremely thankful to all my readers who read silently, vote or comment. I am not strong enough and I want your support. This day was the best. Thank you so much again for giving the strength to my wings .

Any guesses that how this story would be unfolding? Tell me what do you think. I am always open to messages and your words.

If you find any grammatical errors or any other flaw feel free to tell me. 

Till the next update byeeee..

Allah Hafiz.

*Even today I feel goosebumps when reading Abdullah at the end.*

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