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Staring at her luggage being placed in the car Kinza was feeling her eyes being welling up. Both families were greeting each other and her dress was flowing in the wind. Her sleeves were covering her arms but the chill dewy breeze was sending shivers deep down her body. She, while covering herself with the black embroidered shawl, turned back and lifted her head up.

The Kareem Mansion was displaying its magnificence in the starry sky. Her eyes were travelling to each window and the nostalgia was gripping her. 

This building had her all moments; moments of crying for food whenever her mother was busy telling the gardener about the new plants, moments of extreme pain whenever she reached back at her home after vaccination rubbing the spot with medicated cotton, moments of infinite excitement whenever Dad appreciated her results sitting in that lush lawn, moments of terrifying fear whenever her tiny gold earring dropped on the floor, moments of supreme exhilaration every time whenever the rain poured her, moments of the very first introduction to her beating heart when she discovered him in the lines of the newspaper, moments of everything close to her heart.

She had been running in the courtyard of that beautiful house with Mish and now she was helping her to say goodbye. Kinza's eyes were filled with tears and Dad and Mama were comforting her. Ammi was assuring her and Amna was tightly hugging her. Amna never knew that her brother would marry such a precious pearl in chaotic days of their lives. Her daughter was staring the bride and pounding her palms against each other.


The silver and white cars were travelling through the black shimmery roads and two hearts were learning to control their beats. They were about to welcome the new chapter of the book of their life. One was busy in overcoming extreme pleasure while another was making new strategies to keep distance.

Hira was talking to her and she was just managing to nod her head in approval. For the very first time she was introduced to the beautiful aspect of street lights when the orange beams travelled on his face. His eyes were closed and his head was rested on the back support. Seated in the back seat she was able to steal quick glances of her handsome husband. Suddenly his eyelids lifted and her eyes fell on the sparkling diamond ring in her finger and she closed her eyes tightly. The whole scene again repeated in her mind when this jewel contributed in making a dream possible.

After another ten minutes they all were coming out of the car. When the doors of her heaven opened her eyelashes were forgetting the weight of her eyes. They were trembling and she was finding that the peaceful slumber where Abdullah was bowling and she was observing the name embossed on the back of his shirt has not got over yet.


"Kinza, you know what Abdullah used to do? He never wanted to get married. Last year when we were trying to find the most perfect match he took a flight to Paris. Here we were busy in figuring out the details of wedding and there he was posting his pictures on social media. Ammi was very depressed and Hira was trying hard to get him back but he always said that when we would stop searching the perfect wife for him he would knock on the door."

She lifted her eyes a little when her lips turned into a shy smile.

"Our brother has been enduring very much and now we three are depending on you to return his happiness back. He is like my own child. He is so young but his pains are enough to break the sky. I know the honest man in my brother and I am hundred percent sure that he is not involved in any misdoings. The wrong reports are circulating. His lawyers are spending their days and nights for this case and they are continuously informing us but we do not want to spoil this season of love. We are not getting any good news and this is the reason that we are not telling him." A painful secret was disclosed and her eyelashes dropped in grief.

"I request you to return his confidence. He is habitual of not disclosing his heart to anyone but I am sure that one day he will tell you everything. I have seen a vivid shine in his eyes after many years. He had conquered a great world earlier but this sacred jewel covered as you is the mere reason to celebrate. You know what, he is very happy but he is insecure. He is confronting many questions and the answers are hidden in some more days of his married life. Eventually when you both will come closer, his insecurities will be washed away." 

She knew that he was broken and she had to mend his wounds but something beautifully uneasy sparkled under her skin.

"I pray to the God that may you both stay far from the evil eye. Your marriage is unlike any other marriages. We did not have proper circumstances to plan any occasion and both of us sisters were not in the country. Hira just came in morning today while I landed yesterday but I promise that we will celebrate your every happiness here. After a month your reception is scheduled and we all are looking forward to the good news regarding his career. Hira, I am right or not?" Amna inquired and Hira replied with a sweet kiss on Kinza's cheek.

Walking through the way to his room Kinza was feeling the respect for her husband increasing in her mind. She was familiar to the established Abdullah but now this bond of marriage was asking for something different. 

She was breathing in his beautiful house to support him, to place panacea on his wounds, to make him feel better again, to make him realize that he was still the best, to uplift his confidence, to let him believe in the strength of his wings again. Inhaling a deep breath she turned to his sisters and hugged them tightly.



So how it is going? 

I hope you all are fine. I pray this update finds you all in a great state of health. 

I will update shortly again. 

Thank you so much for taking out some time to read the words by an apprentice. I am no perfect writer. I lack the grip on story often but I guess that this happens due to overwriting. I am enjoying vacation these days and soon when I will be sitting in my class only Kinza and Abdullah will make their impressions on the pages of my notes. What would I do then?

And yes, thanks a ton for your messages and comments. Seriously, I am asking for your suggestions. I want to customize this story in your way. Tell me what you want to see between the two. I would be more than glad.


Allah Hafiz.


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