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I turned the page in my book, I reached up, and knotted my hand into my short blond hair. My blue eyes flickered across the page as I continued to read, my knees up to my chest as I used my legs as a desk for laying my book across them. My back laid against a tree with the silent forest all around me, keeping me safe, and secure. I had been here all morning, keeping to myself, reading, and trying to stay far away from the pack. I snorted to myself, no one should be able to call the Red Moon a pack at all, they were merciless, they even turned on their own people; they hate to see weakness in their eyes, which is why, everyone in the pack, hates me. I was the weakest wolf, they really hated that I hardly trained.

"What are you doing?" Luke sneered in my ear.

I jumped out of my skin, I quickly stood up, my book fell down to my feet. I twisted around to see Luke staring at me with disgust all over his face, which made me look down at the ground.

"I... I'm reading." I stumbled over my words.

Luke rolled his blue eyes as he snorted in annoyance.

"You're so pathetic! I shouldn't have been able to sneak up on you! You've should have been able to smell my scent! You need to be training so maybe you wouldn't be such a little scared girl all the time!" He growled.

I whimpered softly, I leaned down to grab my book, but Luke kicked it away before I could grab it, and he kicked my fingers also. I bought my hand up to my chest, wrapping my other hand around it, and tried to put pressure on it so it wouldn't hurt as much. I could feel my eyes start to water, I moved my hair in front of my eyes, so Luke wouldn't be able to see my tears.

I frozen in place when Luke placed his hand on my cheek, I knew he could feel my tears on my cheek, he made me look up at him. He was all blurring because the tears were messing up my vision, but I could see the smile on his lips, for a split second I thought he cared, but it was just a split second because the next thing I knew, I was thrown against a tree. My mouth opened up but no sound came out, it was a silent scream. I could hear Luke laughing at my misery and I started to shake as I heard him walk near me.

He grabbed my throat, pulled me up, and held me up against the tree with his hand wrapped around my throat. I started to scratch at his hands as I tried to get oxygen in my lungs.

"Aw, what's wrong, little princess? Am I hurting you?" He laughed humorless.

"Luke.... Killing.... Can't..... Breathe." I choked out.

"You are just a weak link in this pack, I should kill you like all the other weak wolves!" He growled.

My eyes widen when his words sunk in. He couldn't kill me! Though, what he said was true, my pack was a strong pack, and the only wanted strong wolves. If any of the wolves was weak, they would kill it though there were rare ones that was lucky who was able to ran away before they were able to kill them.

"Please... Luke.... Don't." I choked as fresh tears started to flow down my face. I continued to scratch at Luke's hands even though it was all hopeless, but I had to try.

"Why should I?!" He sneered.

I was screaming in my head but it was stuck in my throat, even though I knew screaming wouldn't help me because that would just attack more Red Moon wolves to us, and I would for sure be dead. I looked all around me trying to find something to help me defend myself when I looked back at Luke and looked from top to bottom. Luke was muscly, standing at 6ft, with brown hair with a mixture of blond streaks, and blue eyes. He was the male that every female drooled over, and wanted to be with, sometimes, I even would imagination being with him until he would abuse me.

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