Chapter One

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This takes place 10 years later, Dipper is 23...


It had been ten years since I became half demon and I had started dating Bill. It had also been five years since I moved into a house with Bill.
"Pinetree! Come on we're going to be late!" I ran downstairs and saw Bill waiting for me in front of the front door.
"You sure you want to come? They're still mad." He smiled.
"Yeah, I don't mind. Plus I need to apologize, and you need support." I walked over to him and kissed his cheek.
"Alright let's go." He opened the door and walked out, me following behind. I closed the door and locked it. We live in a house in the middle of the woods, so we just walk everywhere. I grabbed his hand and started on the stone path. After five minutes of walking, we made it to the shack. I knocked on the door and Mabel answered it.
"Dipper!" She embraced me in a tight hug, I hugged her back. She let go of me and saw Bill. Mabel was the only on who actually liked Bill. "Bill! How have you been? I haven't seen you in ten years!" He smiled.
"I've been good, Ive had this idiot to keep me company."
"Hey!" I punched him in the arm lightly, he laughed.
"Come on in, I'm sure Grunkle Stan and Ford will want to see you Dipper." We walked in and she closed the door. I saw Ford walk in from the employees only door, he looked up from his book and saw me.
"Dipper?" I smiled and walked over to him. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Stanley is working the register right now." He noticed Bill. "Why is he here?"
"I'm here to apologize Sixer, I'm sorry for making dumb,harmful and stupid deals. Im also sorry about the weirdpocalypse."
"Thank you for apologizing Bill, maybe your not so bad." He smiled at Bill. Bill walked over to me and grabbed my hand.
"Grunkle Ford could you get Grunkle Stan, I need to tell you something." He nodded and walked back to where Stan was.
"You can do this Babe." Bill whispered to me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. Ford came back with Stan.
"Can you all take a seat please?" They nodded. Stan sat in his chair, Ford sitting on the armrest and Mabel sitting on the floor. "I..." I looked at Bill. Can you explain? He nodded and explained the whole story.
"Dip....that's awesome!" Mabel tackle hugged me to the ground, making me let go of Bills hand. "Sorry." She got off of me and helped me up.
"Dipper, does that mean you have powers or something?" I looked at Ford and kept a straight face.
"Yes, but not as many as Bill. Also...I'm immortal..."
"Kid, now is there someway you could not be immortal?" We all looked at Stan in shock.
"No, and I'd like to keep it that way...I'm sorry..." We talked for an hour before Bill and I left. We were walking along the stone path until Bill suddenly stopped.
"Something wrong baby?" He smiled and shock his head.
"I want to show you something." I smiled and followed him off the path. We found our selves at a lake with a water fall. The sun was just now setting and the sky was a pink, blue and orange. Bill teleported us to the top of the water fall. I could see all of Gravity Falls and I could see the setting sun. I turned to Bill and saw him and one knee. My heart skipped a beat and tears of joy slipped out of my eyes.
"Dipper, you have made me the happiest Demon for dating me these past ten years, and now with you immortal...I wanted to ask..." He opened a little black box and revealed a silver ring with a blue diamond. "Will you marry me?" I smiled brightly.
"Yes Bill a thousand times yes!" He slipped the ring into my left ring finger and picked me up. He then spun me around. He kissed me passionately and I kissed back.

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