A Single Tear

159 30 28

A single tear strolls down her face,

as a lady would stroll through the park.

Her dress, a pretty shade of pink.

Her heels, a reasonable height.

A couple more stroll after her,

people milling about.

In church clothes, through the pretty park.

The lady decides to sit for awhile,

watching the sunset from afar.

It becomes dark, and most everyone disappears.

One stays, a young man in a dark suit with a pipe in his mouth.

He looks at her, smiles, and introduces himself.

She stands, smiles, and starts to chat.

His chilling voice and cold stone eyes frighten her, and she backs away.

He starts to reach for her hand and she runs away, stumbling in her shoes.

He chases after her, his pipe flying out of his mouth, revealing his malicious grin.

He chases her into a dark alley,

unbeknownst to her, a dead end.

A single tear strolls down her face,

as a lady would stroll through the park.

Her dress, torn and stained a hideous red.

Her heels, gone forevermore.

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