finding things out

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James :
I look over at rain and she knows I'm about to question the shit out of her she is about to make a run for it when Alec grabs her and put her on the couch were kye is sleeping on or may i say passed out on " how the hell do you know kye , who is that baby and why did she show up here ?" She looks around and I have two of my men at each door of the house so she isn't leaving and she knows it " remember when I asked you if a friend can stay , well that was her , she called me about 20 minutes before she showed asking to stay usually I just snuck her in the house but since she met you I just asked " she says completely ignoring the part of the baby and how she knows her " how do you know her rain I'm not gonna ask again " she doesn't look at me but looks at kye like if she's begging her someing I look back see she is up great now I can ask her shit because this is making get a headache " great your up because we need to talk " she glares at me puts her hood up and sits by rain and leans on her for support I think " ask away pansie " she says I keep my cool and pull a chair up so I'm in front of them " wanna explain how you guys know each other " I ask again getting pissed no ones answering " I see alec walk in with the baby who is awake and feeding it it seems to be baby food ? " Alec what the fuck are you doing " he is startled at first but composes him self " feeding amira James damn what's it look like " I'm shocked he never really talks back unless he is pissed or tired "I'll take her back now if you want Alec so you can sleep sorry for that didn't mean so sleep and leave her with you " he nods and hands her back and goes to his room " I know rain because I used to teach her how to dance " kye says in a bored tone " but your a ballet dancer " "I used to do both James you just never knew about it remember when I broke my wrist a year ago " rain says and I nodd" well that's because I was flipping and banged it on a rock while training kye made me quite so I didn't get hurt anymore but made me keep doing ballet because she knew it was my passion " I was shocked but I know their is more " and the baby ?" I ask she and kye freeze and than kye becomes pissed " that's not your god damn business all you have to know is she my sister " with that john come in and telling me he found 4 dimes of crack on her and flushed them I wonder how she will react " so how did you get all those bruises kye " she gives me a look and shruggs just than Alec walks in and sits by her she starts looking uncomfortable rain notices and sits betteens then but doesn't stop him from taking amira and playing with her " this isn't music chairs so stop moving around" everyone is shocked by joins words by shrugged it off " im a foster child my foster mother isn't the best she can be good some times others I have to make sure I protect amira " she says like nothing " I notice she looks at rain drags her hand down her face stands up and drags rain to the hall and makes my guards move so they can't hear them they look at me I tell them to leave them but watch them

After I drag rain to the hall and drags the gaurds out I slam her to the wall " have you been fucking eating rain " I say while lift her shirt and see her ribs poking out " yes?" Sounds unsure I let out a growl and punch the wall and look up a over her head "stop lying ! You promised me you would start eating again and we all know u snapped ur wrist because you fell and almost died , now tell me why Haven't u been eating I noticed this eailer but could ask you at the under ground and when u lied I didn't think you had guts to do that to me the one who saved you after you almost died from this so rain IMA ask again why haven't you been eatting ?" I finally start calming down I never looked at her durning the rant until now " Im fat kye don't you see my pants are tight on me I have a gut my face is chubby I'm huge " she says about to cry I look at her and hug her " your not fat your super skinny deadly skinny , your pants are lose on your not right your face fine u have high cheek bones and a natural blush ur stomach has no gut just bones now stop before I walk into that room and tell your brother now I'm gonna tell his gauard to make us a meal u better eat at least half and keep it down all day or I'm telling James rain and that's a threat " I say to her and give her a kiss I hear a gasp to see a guard shocked I just giggle and rain hides behind me " is their a problem" I say as I get into his face leave rain on the wall " its just you were just arguing about who knows what because you guys were whispering than all of a sudden you kiss her like wtf " the two guards by him nod in agreement and I just laugh " I have a weird relationship with rain were not dating but is it a problem if we were " he straights up because I'm now in his face and getting bit loud " yes I would have a problem with it because homos like you are a disgrace they don't belong , I rather her date a bunch of guys than a girl like you or girls in general" I look back and I see a upset rain I know that hit her hard were not dating but she is a closet gay or was but her not telling or dating is another story " really because I feel we have the same fucking rights as dicks like you do , were no disgrace you are homophobics assholes like you that take away people's happiness and stomp on it like ass , and you rather her get aid or some sit from humping and dumping dudes thanks dating chicks that is cleaner than a dude your fucking stupid you mother fucker i-" they don't let me finish because I'm punching his chest and yelling at him until I see rain come and hug Mr and I calm down instantly
" wtf is going on in here I though rain AnD kye were talking how did kye and mark start almost fighting in the hall " john says with Alec and James in agreement " well some disgrace other their was fine until she kisses rain " I see rains face go pale well go paler than usual but I just hug her tight " everything will be okay " I say in her ear everything quite in the house no one dares speaks " so what's the problems " James says and I see rains face get color again " yeah if she likes girls let her like girls its her life now I don't have to worry about her getting prego " says Alec but all I can do is shiver and rain just shakes her head " okay so she likes girls only problem I'm having is why I didn't know we could have been girl hunting at the mall together than me and Alec he sucks at it " john says all everyone can do is laugh but mark he is pissed " so mark looks like everyone doesn't care about us homos looks like its time for you to go back to hell and tell the devil hi for me " I say I punch him in the nose breaking and knocking him out " so are you two dating " me and rain look at each other and laugh they look at each other scared and confused " no were not we kissed because that's hownkye comfors me here let's sit in the family and I'll tell you why it comports me " we all walk their but I'm stopped by alec " are you okay every time I'm near you , you act weird ?" He says I nod and run until I jump into James lap I don't I just start crying but tell rain to continue her story knowing that's one reason why ime crying but idk why I chose James lap for me to cry it but he doesn't mind he just rubs my back and shush me as I cry hard as she gets deeper I to her story
I'm thinking of doing rains POV next so you can hear the story and why kye is crying and maybe after that chapter I'll tell you why she is avoiding Alec if you have clues or a idea comment it and if u have a idea what rain story is about comment it also have in mind Its about to start getting juicy so keep reading byeeeee
If you have any music ideas for the chapers coming up or passed chapters that didn't have a song just tell me and I'll see if they will work have a good night byeee

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