Chapter 31

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Authors note: ok so tell me if it's boring or not and I am going to take advise from you if it is vote,comment,read,follow love you always Abbyiscrazy12.

It was near dark when Sarah came over " hey" I say " hey" she replies. The door bell rang and I shot up " one second" I yell "here wear this" I hand her a sparkly dress. " Ok" she replies and runs in her room. "oh put this on" I say throwing her a box of makeup she catches it. " Ok" then she gets dressed and I open the door.

" Hey" I say leaning on the door way " hey" he says " she will be out in a minute" I say. " cool so what are you doing tonight" he asks. "nothing why" I ask curious " I don't know" then I turn "Sarah" I call " coming" she says then walks out. " whose here anywa..." I smile " this is Finn I work with him and he's here to take you on a date. " she stands silent then she speaks "so where are we going" she asks him " it's a surprise" he answers then they left.

I smile as they leave then sit on the coach and watch t.v fir a minute till the door flings open. " Abby" Skylar screams " what u jump up early. " where's Pete " she asks " upstairs why" I ask " I found his father well I think I did. I was talking about Pete when". " Then what" I ask shouting now " he said that he missed Pete and he wants him back" she says crying now.

" calm down Pete will be the one who knows what his father looks like". she nods and sits down next to me " should I go get him"she asks. I wave her to his room and she runs upstairs and wakes him. I wander how Sarah's doing I get up and wait by the window. the car pulls up and Sarah gets out with Finn and he walks her to the door.

I look out the window from the door and their kissing. I smile and jump around mouthing " yes yes yes" then Finn looks at me. and I stop clearing my throat and smile when he looks away I jump again. Then the kiss is over and I open the door and see Sarah with Finn. I pull Sarah in and tell her to wait inside.

I walk out closing the door behind me " thanks for doing that" I say " it was nothing. I really like her now and I'm guessing you were having fun yourself." He says I make a face " I wasn't having fun I was happy for her gosh" I say smiling. " Abby"!!!!! I stare at the door. " Skylar"!! I shout " you armed" I asked him " no why" he asks.

I run in " Abby" Sarah and Skylar scream " upstairs come on" I tell Finn. I here them scream from Pete's room and throw open the door. a man holding Pete out the window I run toward them " back up" I say. I stare at the man I look away then back again I rip the mask off. "Gideon"? I say when I take Pete and Skylar pushes toward the window. she has a hatchet "Skylar",I scream but it was to late Gideon lost his head.

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