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I was running with the box full of beers until I saw a abandoned hotel. I walk to the front door and sat down.
Then I grabbed a beer and started drinking. My phone started to get off, I checked who it was. It was Juliet trying to call me, I rolled my eyes and ignored the call. My phone kept going off and then it stopped. Juliet gave up.
I hate her, but I love her, I said to myself. I saw black figures up ahead walking towards me. I had my knife out just in case they were looking for trouble. They walked towards me until they can see my face.

"Hey, mind sharing?" One of them asked. I looked at him for a minute.
I sighed and threw a bottle at him and his friends, they caught it.
"You know, we can have a party right here." He said. Pointing at the hotel.
"Hmmmm.Alright. Let's do it" I said.
We got up and went in the hotel. Surprisingly it wasn't really dirty, it seems like it was abandoned not too long ago.
"My name is Toby, these three are Luke,Hater,Lulu." He said.
"My name is Tears." I said back.
"Nice. So we're going to get our speakers and liquor. Oh. And I already told people about the party. I posted it" Toby said.
"Cooooooool." I said.
I guess you can say Im somewhat hyped but not really. I'm just not feeling it I guess. I texted my crew, letting them know there's a party.

* 1 hour later*

We got the speakers up and the music started play. Machines by Airspoken started to play. I love it. Then my crew came in. After them, other people came in.
"Yooo it's going to be so lit lit lit" Chuck said, laughing.
"These girls are beautiful " Danny said.
There was one girl I was staring at. She was pretty. She kinda have that style I dig. Blue scene hair,band shirt,black skinny jeans,and converse. She was with her group. Just like me.
"Dude. Let's go over there" J Dog said,pointing at the group that I was staring at.
"Come on. I like that girl in that group" J Dog said pointing at a girl who could possibly be friends with the one I like.
"Fine. Let's go" I said.
We all walked to join the group.
I went to my girl, my friends went to theirs.
"Hey." I said.
"Oh hey." She said,smiling.
I love her smile.
"My name is Tears" I said.
"I like that name. My name is Emily" she said.
"That's a pretty name " I said, nervously smiling.
One song came up. It was Gtfo by Etienne Sin. Emily and everyone else, even me started to dance to it. The screams and guitar riffs were heavy. This night is like for us. I started to think.The outcasts,loners, and creepers.
After dancing for a while Emily asked me if we could sit. I nodded and then she grabbed my hand and pulled me to a seat, where we can sit together.
We started to talk about things we like and what we wanted to do. Turns out we have stuff in common.

*15 minutes later*

The party was still going. I was drinking my last can of monster until.
"Hey, can you follow me? I wanna show you something" Emily said
"Uh. Alright " I replied back.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me. I saw her biting her lips a little, I didn't know what it meant. She was taking me upstairs. Surprisingly other people were there, doing what ever. Then she found a empty room and pulled me in. She closed the door.
She turned around and took off her shirt, then she walked towards me. She pulled me to her and then we started to kiss. I bit her lip, but I wanted to stop. It didn't feel right kissing someone you just met. At least not to me. I wanted to stop but I couldnt. She stopped kissing me, and whispered
"Let's have our inner demons play with eachother "
Then she started to get aggressive, and so did I. I bit her neck,and she started to give me hickeys. I didn't want to do it but I couldn't control myself, I couldn't stop. She took off my shirt. I started to kiss her chest. Then someone knocked on the door. We stopped and looked at eachother. Then Emily got up and opened it.
It was J Dog. He burst in and threw my shirt at me.
"I'm sorry Emily but Tears is not losing his virginity tonight " J Dog said. I looked at J Dog , I was glad he showed up, he knew that I wasn't able to control myself with stuff like that.
Emily looked angry but at the same time she understood. I could tell.
"Here's my number Tears" Emily said. I put it in my phone and said bye to Emily and walked out with J Dog.

J Dog and I walked out the hotel to look at the stars. Then some kid walked up to me.
"You're him....." He said.
"You're going to be the king...... " He said.
I laughed.
"Nah,kid. I don't know what you're talking about." I said.
"Remember...your powers are meant to protect" the kid said. Then he laughed and ran inside.
"Who was that kid?" J Dog asked.
"I have no clue who and what he was talking about" I said. I reached my pocket for a cigarette.

* 1 Year ago*

*J Dog's P.O.V*

I was with my therapist. I mean, she's my friend too. I just vent to her about things so I call her my therapist.

"If you could describe Tears in two words. What would you say?" She asked.
"Tears...hmm. he's confusing so it's hard to understand him but I would say, short temper and he's. Hmmm. Lay back, or chill. He's that to me but to other people they say slacker.What about you?" I asked her.
"To be honest, he looks like a slacker. I mean you see him laying down and looking up at the sky when we go outside for sports or projects." She said. Then she asked me "can you handle his short temper?"
"Ya. I mean. He's only like that with people who doesn't understand him. Like he won't get mad at us because we know what not to do" I said. "We're like a small family. Like a gang, clan, I don't know and he's the leader"

*Present day*

"Let's get back inside" I said.
J Dog nodded. When I walked inside a group of girls surrounded me. Putting their hands on me and putting their butts on me. J Dog went to one of the coolers to get me monster so I could start to party again. When J Dog went to give me one the girls surrounded him too. We were both in the middle of the group having girls dance on us.
Two girls started to get really close to me and started to kiss me. I realized how nothing was running through my head. It was like I have no worries anymore.

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