°Short ending°

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I woke up.. I wasn't sure where I was at first. I remember being at the hotel partying but how did I end up in my room? I sighed and got up. I didn't have to worry about my parents finding out the whole party shit because they're always busy...trust me. Always. Anyways.
I went to the kitchen to get coffee and surprisingly I see J Dog sitting down drinking coffee.
"What's up?" I said.
"Nothing much, Hey. I brought some guy over he was fucked up pretty bad" he said
"Beaten up or...-"
"I don't know. His injuries and shit look strange" he said.
"Where is he?" I asked.
"Guest room" he said.
I nodded and walked over to the guest room, something didn't feel right. My stomach felt funny.
"It's probably caused by the drinks last night" I thought to myself. I went in.

*J Dog's P.O.V*

That guy was strange but he looked like he was in really bad shape, Tears was knocked the fuck out and I can't bring him to my place. So I decided to take him to Tears house.

*3 years ago*
*Chuck P.O.V*

My family left me. When I was little, but a gang of thugs decided to raise me. Then...that day.
"To be with us you have to kill a teenager that's in a gang. If you do that you're down with us for life." The gang leader said.
He popped up his trunk and handed me a pistol.
*End of Flashback*
I've been looking for that specific teen. Then Tears came along.

*Present day*
OK since Tears was out partying. I decided to hire a man to do my dirty work.
I was waiting outside Tears place so the hit man can give me the signal.

*J Dog's P.O.V*
I took another sip of coffee, looking out the window until I saw a suspicious looking car outside.

"Tears!" I yelled
No answer
"Yo Tears. Stop fucking around" I yelled again
Still no answer.
I sighed deeply.
You play too fucking much Tears.
I got up and walked out the kitchen.
I ran to the guest room and opened the door.
Tears was on the floor bleeding and then I saw the guest. The gun was on the floor, so I ran and grabbed it. As soon as I looked back up pointing the gun, the guest jumped out the window.
I didn't bother to chase him because Tears was my first priority. I kneeled down.
Tears looked me in the eyes and smiled.
*Tears P.O.V*
Ya.... that's it. That's how it ends. I have to admit it was a boring way to die, right? but how? Did I do it to make the guest look bad? Or did he do it. You'll never know me now. I expected my life to be longer but shit happens am I right? I'll see you all on the other side. And this is short. I end it here and now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2024 ⏰

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