Game (7/16/16)

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Hello minna san! Please read this before proceeding in our activity for today. I saw this in a random site and copied it because I've found cute, and I want you to try. Okay! Maybe it's illegal but oh well I must give her/him a credits. Iko iko iko!!


*•* Let's Play a Game! •*•
Don't leave a blank

Three anime characters you love/like? (List down)

Three anime characters you hate/dislike/don't find very ok? (You really need to answer this for the game)

One very intelligent anime character

One anime character you have a love/hate relationship to?

Now name one lazy and one arrogant anime character:

This is not done yet 😘😍 don't get tired easily! We're just start to begin..

1.) 3 and 5 were supposed to go on a date, but 5 cancelled at the last minute. Why did he/she cancel, and how does 3 react?

2.) 4 is sitting sitting next to a tree, crying, when suddenly 9 walks by. What happens?

3.) 7 is gathering a group of 1, 10 and 6 for a really hard and secret job. Why does he/she rely on these specific people to take care of it for him/her?

4.) Whilst working on their job, 6 suddenly freaks out and starts crying. 1 is trying to comfort him/her, but what is 10 doing?

5.) In the end it all works out and they go back to tell 7 that their job was a success. 7 is really proud and decides to pay them by having 2 giving them each a lap dance. How do they all react?

6.) 8 calls you in the middle of the night to tell you he/she loves you. How do you react, considering you both love and hate him/her?


How's the game? Shocked or Fun?

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