Part of the past

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Since the beginning, when I first saw my sister looked like, I've been clinging to her.

When I talking for the first time

Walking for the first time

Laughing with her for the first time

Crying because of her for the first time

There's no way I could hate her

"She's the best sister!" I thought

When I know how my family works for the first time, I turned to rebel

I started escaping from my personal lesson,

"That girl! Just where is she going right now?!"

Started to held back my tears if they punished me,

And yelled back to them if they yelled at me

I'm not regretting what I did back then or now. Because of that, I know how to fight back, not physically though.

I'm telling you, I don't regret it!

Put that aside, my sister is the complete opposite from me. She's naturally fast learner and I'm not. She's loved by the people and I'm not. She always got first place and I'm not.

But.. she don't hate me and so do I. She always teach me something new, and I always thought that she knows everything in this world.

Around 8 years old when I know that's wrong. I'm the first one who introduced her about stride. She and I always secretly practice in the garden without someone supervisor us of course, and the time they found out, they blamed at me.

But my sister defended me. And she told them if one of us can be a winner in that sport, they will accept it no matter what.

And of course she won it. She already surpassed me at the moment I Introduced to her. And that made me realize that I regretted it.

I should've keep it for my self and practiced by my self

She always higher than me, and that moment, I hate her

I hate her for the record she made

I hate her for the loved she had

I hate her for being my sister

I always thought that because of our age, she deserve that love, cleverness and anything else, but my mind blank at that time

I started running from her

I started hiding from her

I started yelling to her

"Do what you want! I don't care anymore!"

"You always be the first! You don't know how it's like to be me!"

"Why do you care about me anyway?! Just go away!"

She always tried to talked to me until she cried, in front of my door, in front of me, in front of mother's grave

It's not just her. Me too. Everything I done, everything I tried. It's pointless. I don't know why even I born to this place

"Why can't I be a normal person?"


After the year where my sister is in second year of high school, she got invitation to join the Kyoto's car free day, in specific activity, there's a competition for striders. The groups will be assigned by the officials and it was the first day she met suwa-san.

Skip the details, at that time, when suwa-san entered our house, he found me and talked to me even though I tried to push him off but I stopped when my sister saw me and ran away from them

Every once a week suwa-san visited my place and sometimes he always searching for me, garden, bed room, even bath room.

At the time he found me, he hold my hand in case I ran away and asked me why I always hiding from him and my sister

"Why you always ran away?"

"It's not your business right?"

"It is. I want to be friends with you though"

"Too bad. I don't have time for that"

"Really? I thought you were free since you've got nothing to do"

"Why don't you playing with my sister"

"... why you said? You seem interesting though. And I heard from your sister that you always tried everything"

I don't know why but that time I just happy to hear that, but it don't last

I mad that he still bought me to my sister even after heard what I told to him about why I hiding from my sister

I know that I'm being a jerk here but still, I was so young back then

Around the time that she was competing in her last high school, I still declined her invitation to watch her

"Can you... at least watch my stride once?"

"I don't want to. Why should I?"

"I want to show something to you"

"Well, sorry to inform you but I don't have any time for that"

"Please!! Only this time!! I beg you"

"Why should I?!"

"I won't ask anything again! Just this time please"

For the first time I heard she raised her voice like this, It made me startled and without thinking I just accept the invitation half hearted

And that time I don't know that it would happened to her.


Bye bye,

(DISCONTINUED) It's My Stride [Prince of Stride]Where stories live. Discover now